Thema switchen op de juiste manier.
Preview any theme privately on the front-end
Develop themes privately behind the scenes
Enable your visitors to switch themes
Er zijn veel thema-switcher plugins, maar geen van hen biedt de eenvoud, prestaties en betrouwbaarheid die ik nodig heb voor mijn eigen sites. Dus schreef ik mijn eigen plugin met behulp van de WP API en hield de plugin zo gericht en solide als mogelijk. Alleen essentiële thema omschakelingsfuncties zijn toegevoegd, samen met een eenvoudige maar informatieve UI. Dit geeft je een consistente, kwalitatieve thema-omschakel-ervaring die je optioneel kunt delen met je bezoekers.
Switch naar een alternatief thema voor voorvertoning of ontwikkeling terwijl bezoekers het standaard thema gebruiken 🙂
What it’s for..
Theme Switcha:
- Enables visitors to switch themes via the frontend
- Enables admins to test alternate themes for debugging
- Enables developers to build/customize themes privately
- Enables you to create links that switch to specific themes
- Enables live private previews of any installed theme
What it’s NOT for..
This plugin should not be used together with WordPress features such as Gutenberg Block Editor, Theme Customizer, Widgets, Menus, and other theme-related options. Doing so may result in private changes being made public on the current active theme. Learn more.
Theme Switcha = Best Theme Switcher for WordPress
Plugin Mogelijkheden
- Develop new themes while visitors use the default theme
- Reguleer wie thema’s kan switchen (beheerders, gebruikers met een sleutel of iedereen)
- Beheerders kunnen thema’s direct switchen via het WP Admin Gebied
- Sta bezoekers toe om thema’s te switchen en te tonen in de front-end
- Elke bezoeker kan zijn eigen thema kiezen
- Zend voorbeeldlinks naar klanten middels de sleutel
- Kies je aangepaste sleutel voor voorbeeldlinks
- Zet de duur (cookie timeout) voor geswitchte thema’s
- Activeer/inactiveer thema voorbeeld in het Admin Gebied
- Activeer/inactiveer thema switchen zonder inactiveren van de plugin
- Levert verschillende shortcodes om bezoekers thema’s te laten switchen
- Shortcodes tonen thema’s als een lijst, selectiemenu of thumbnails
- Gewijzigde opties worden opgeslagen terwijl er gewerkt wordt aan geswitchte thema’s
- Dashboard widget to switch themes via select menu
- Simpele en stijlvolle gebruikersinterface (UI) met schermafbeeldingen van elk thema
- Werkt met elk thema, hoofdthema’s en child thema’s
- Works with or without Gutenberg Block Editor
- Works with WP Multisite
Thema Switcha maakt het mogelijk voor de sitebeheerder om nieuwe thema’s te ontwikkelen en te proberen zonder het standaard thema te wijzigen. Dus bezoekers blijven je site normaal gebruiken zonder te weten dat je nieuwe thema’s aan het testen bent achter de schermen. En als je je bezoekers de mogelijkheid wilt geven om thema’s te switchen, kun je dat ook doen door een shortcode toe te voegen aan elk WP Bericht of Pagina. In dat geval kan elke bezoeker een keuze maken uit je WordPress thema’s.
Kern Mogelijkheden
- Gemakkelijk in gebruik
- Bijzonder nette code
- Eenvoudig en gericht
- Gebouwd met de WordPress API
- Licht, snel en flexibel
- Gericht op prestatie en veiligheid
- Regularly updated and “future proof”
- Werkt geweldig met andere WordPress plugins
- Plugin opties configureerbaar via instellingenscherm
- Plugin ruimt zijn rommel op na inactievering
- 1-klik herstel van plugin standaard opties
Plus you get free, responsive support from a top WP professional 😉
De Thema Switcha plugin is handig voor zaken als:
- Onderhoudsmodus – toon een tijdelijk thema aan bezoekers terwijl je je hoofdthema bijwerkt
- Thema testuitvoering – test en probeer nieuwe thema’s zonder verstoring in de frontend
- Thema ontwikkeling – perfect voor het ontwikkelen van nieuwe thema templates die aansluiten bij de huidige site inhoud
- Klantpresentaties – zend klanten speciale “thema voorbeeld” links om je nieuwe templates te tonen
I use Theme Switcha to develop new themes for my own sites like Perishable Press and Plugin Planet. The beauty of Theme Switcha is that visitors will never know that you are hard at work testing and building new themes behind the scenes 🙂
This plugin does not collect or store any user data. It does not set any user cookies, and it does not connect to any third-party locations. Thus, this plugin does not affect user privacy in any way.
Theme Switcha is developed and maintained by Jeff Starr, 15-year WordPress developer and book author.
Support development
I develop and maintain this free plugin with love for the WordPress community. To show support, you can make a donation or purchase one of my books:
- De Tao van WordPress
- Graven in WordPress
- .htaccess eenvoudig gemaakt
- WordPress Thema’s In Detail
- Wizard’s SQL Recipes for WordPress
En/of aankoop van 1 van mijn premium WordPress plugins:
- BBQ Pro – Super fast WordPress firewall
- Blackhole Pro – Automatically block bad bots
- Banhammer Pro – Monitor traffic and ban the bad guys
- GA Google Analytics Pro – Connect WordPress to Google Analytics
- Simple Ajax Chat Pro – Unlimited chat rooms
- USP Pro – Unlimited front-end forms
Links, tweets en vind-ik-leuks worden ook op prijs gesteld. Bedankt! 🙂
Thanks to Ryan Boren for the original Theme Switcher plugin.
Getting Started
- Upload the plugin and activate
- Visit plugin settings and check the box to “Enable Switching”
- After clicking “Save Changes”, scroll down to view available themes
- Click on any theme thumbnail to switch privately to that theme
Important: Please read this support topic!
More info on installing WP plugins
Usage: Switch Themes
After activating Theme Switcha, visit the plugin settings page. There you can enable theme switching via the “Enable Switching” option. After that option is enabled, a menu of all available themes will be displayed on the settings page. From there you can click any thumbnail to switch privately to that theme. While you view the switched theme, your regular visitors will continue viewing your normal active theme. To verify this, visit your site in a different browser (with clean cache and cookies).
Tip: In the plugin settings, a thumbnail menu of all available themes will be displayed after you enable the “Enable Switching” option. Otherwise if that option is disabled, no theme thumbnails will be displayed.
Usage: Display Menus
In addition to switching themes via the settings page, you also can display a menu of switchable themes. In order for any theme-switch menu to work, the plugin setting “Allowed Users” must be set to “Everyone”. So all visitors can enjoy your site using their preferred theme.
Theme Switcha provides several shortcodes for displaying theme-switch menus:
Display themes as list of links:
[theme_switcha_list display="list"]
// display = (list or flat) format of the list
Display themes as thumbnail links:
[theme_switcha_thumbs style="true"]
// style = (true or false) include default CSS
Display themes in select/dropdown menu:
[theme_switcha_select text="Choose a theme.."]
// text = for the default option
Display plain-text link for theme switch:
[theme_switcha_link theme="mytheme" text="Switch Theme"]
// theme = theme name, text = link text
Deze shortcodes kunnen in elk WP Bericht, Pagina of ondersteunend widget (b.v. de standaard “Tekst” widget die bij WordPress meegeleverd wordt) gebruikt worden.
Als je liever een thema lijst in je thema wilt opnemen, kun je de volgende template-tags gebruiken:
<?php if (function_exists('theme_switcha_display_list')) theme_switcha_display_list(); ?>
<?php if (function_exists('theme_switcha_display_thumbs')) theme_switcha_display_thumbs(); ?>
<?php if (function_exists('theme_switcha_display_dropdown')) theme_switcha_display_dropdown(); ?>
Als alternatief kun je shortcodes gebruiken in je thema-template door gebruik te maken van do_shortcode.
Usage: Theme-Switch Links
Theme Switcha also enables you to create theme-switch links that you can share with others. To begin, follow these steps:
- Determine the slug/name for the theme (should be same as name of theme directory)
- Choose any URL from your site, and append
Bijvoorbeeld als je een thema hebt met de naam “Mijn Ongelooflijke Thema” die zich bevindt in een map genaamd /mijn-ongelooflijke-thema/
, kun je een thema switchende URL op deze manier maken:
What happens if you enter that URL in a browser? Well, that depends on the plugin setting, “Allowed Users”:
- If Allowed Users is set to “Everyone”, the URL will enable anyone to switch to the specified theme
- If Allowed Users is set to “Only Admin”, the URL will enable any logged-in admin-level user to switch to the specified theme
- If Allowed Users is set to “Only with Passkey”, the URL requires a passkey in order to switch to the specified theme
We’ll look at how to make a Passkey Link in the next section. For the other two options, “Everyone” and “Only Admin”, you can either share the URL as-is, or make it a clickable hyperlink such as the following example:
<a href="">Switch to My Awesome Theme</a>
Usage: Passkey Links
Passkey links are a great way to enable private theme switching without giving the user access to the WP Admin Area. To make a Passkey Link, follow these steps:
- Bezoek de Thema Switcha instellingen pagina
- Enable the “Enable Switching” option
- For the “Allowed Users” option, select “Only with Passkey”
- Save changes
After saving changes, thumbnails will be displayed for each available theme. So to get a Passkey Link:
- Right-click on the thumbnail image for the desired theme
- Selecteer “Kopieer linkadres” om de URL naar je klembord te kopiëren
Done! You now have a Passkey Link ready to paste wherever. It will look similar to this:
So you can either share the Passkey Link as-is, or make it a clickable hyperlink such as the following example:
<a href="">Switch to My Awesome Theme</a>
Here are some notes about Passkey Links:
- Passkey links work for logged-in users and logged-out users
- Passkey links must include the theme name and valid passkey
- The theme name must be the theme slug (e.g., “my-theme” not “My Theme”)
Here is an example of proper passkey format:
Here you would replace “THEMESLUG” with the slug of the theme you want to preview, and “PASSKEY” with the current passkey (provided via the “Passkey” setting). Here is an example showing how to make a clickable link from the Passkey URL:
<a href="">Switch Theme!</a>
This plugin should not be used together with WordPress features such as Gutenberg Block Editor, Theme Customizer, Widgets, Menus, and other theme-related options. Doing so may result in private changes being made public on the current active theme. Learn more.
Plugin Options
Theme Switcha provides three basic configurations via the “Allowed Users” option:
- Admins only – useful for theme developers to work on themes on a live site
- Passkey only – useful for sending clients preview links to new templates
- Everyone – allow everyone to switch themes (required for shortcodes)
Other options should be self-explanatory. If you have any questions, feel free to post in the Theme Switcha Support Forum. I usually respond very quickly 🙂
Opmerking: het is een goed idee om de Sleutel periodiek te wijzigen om toegang tot alternatieve thema’s te voorkomen (alleen noodzakelijk als de “Alleen Sleutel” configuratie wordt gebruikt).
How It Works
If you’re still scratching your head at this point, here are some points that may help to clarify how theme-switching works:
- Your site always will have a default active (primary) theme
- The primary theme always will be visible to regular visitors
- If you enable Theme Switcha, you can privately view other themes
- So you can switch to a theme that only is active for YOU only
- You can also enable visitors to switch themes on the front-end
- You can even send a private theme-switch URL to friends, etc.
So while you re viewing and working on a switched theme, all other users will continue to see/use the default active theme. When you are done working on your switched theme, you can disable theme switching via the plugin settings. Upon doing so, you will be viewing the default active theme like everyone else.
Also keep in mind that theme-switching is browser-specific (via cookies). So if you need to view the theme in multiple browsers, the easiest way is to use the passkey link. The passkey enables you to quickly switch themes by simply entering the URL in your browser’s address bar. See the next section for details.
Because Theme Switcha is browser-specific, you can easily test theme-switching functionality by simply visiting your site in a different browser (with cleared cache and cookies). For example, in one browser you can be logged in to WordPress and switch to some other theme. While in the other browser, you are not logged in and thus viewing the site as a regular visitor, so you will be viewing the default active theme.
Going Live
Here are the steps to “go live” with your switched theme once you are ready to do so:
- Visit the plugin settings and disable the option “Enable Switching”.
- Visit Appearance > Themes to activate the theme for the world to see.
After these steps, the active theme will be visible to you and everyone else.
Thema’s Uitsluiten
Om een thema uit te sluiten van thema switchen open je het style.css
bestand en voeg Status: private
of Status: unpublished
toe aan het begin van het bestand. Of om het thema alleen voor bezoekers uit te sluiten voeg Status: admin-only
Hier is een overzicht:
Status: private = theme excluded from theme switching
Status: unpublished = theme excluded from theme switching
Status: admin-only = theme available for switching only by admin-level users
Status: publish = theme available for switching by all users (depending on settings)
No Status header = theme available for switching by all users (depending on settings)
Je kunt op elk moment de Status file toevoeging verwijderen om het thema beschikbaar te maken voor thema switchen.
Als thema switchen voor je niet werkt dan zijn hier enkele zaken om te controleren:
- Controleer of je meer dan 1 thema geïnstalleerd hebt
- Make sure there are no other plugins interfering
- Controleer of er geen .htaccess regels invloed uitoefenen
- Controleer of er slechts 1 thema switch plugin geactiveerd is
- Controleer of
niet gebruikt wordt inwp-config.php
- Controleer of je thema de WP API gebruikt voor instellingen enz.
- Probeer een andere browser en/of schoon je cache en cookies
Dit zijn de belangrijkste zaken om te controleren. Als thema wisselen nog steeds niet werkt op je site dan is het meest waarschijnlijk dat er iets interfereert met de normale werking. In dat geval kun je enig basaal probleemonderzoek uitvoeren om de veroorzaker te identificeren.
Current active theme
Theme Switcha provides a function that returns the name of the currently active theme:
This can be used just like any other WP function, in plugins and theme templates.
Like the plugin?
If you like Theme Switcha, please take a moment to give a 5-star rating. It helps to keep development and support going strong. Thank you!
Deze plugin ruimt de rommel zelf op. Alle plugin instellingen worden verwijderd uit je database als de plugin geïactiveerd wordt op het Plugins scherm.
Does the plugin enable anyone to switch themes?
Yes, just set the “Allowed Users” option to “Everyone”, and then add any shortcode to your page. After you do that, any user will be able to switch themes even if they are not logged in to your site.
I click the links but the theme does not switch?
Het zou kunnen zijn vanwege een caching plugin, of dat je probeert thema’s te switchen terwijl je uitgelogd bent van WP, het kan zijn dat de instelling “Toegestane Gebruikers” niet gezet is op “Iedereen”.
How do exclude themes from theme switching?
Open the theme’s
file and addStatus: private
orStatus: unpublished
to the file header. See section on “Excluding Themes” in the Installation Docs for more infos. -
Does this plugin support Multisite?
It should work fine with Multisite, but it hasn’t been officially tested yet.
I am having problems with white screens or other errors?
Twee dingen: 1) deactiveer de plugin of verwijder via FTP, en 2) rapporteer het probleem opdat ik hem kan onderzoeken en proberen op te lossen.
How is the CSS included for the front-end shortcodes?
For better performance, the styles are included inline. The styles for each shortcode are minimal, so it’s faster to include them inline via style tags rather than chewing up another HTTP request. If you are concerned for whatever reason, you can use disable the styles in the
shortcode, like so:[theme_switcha_thumbs style="false"]
. That way the styles won’t be included and you can add your own however desired. -
Do I need to activate my alternate theme?
Question: Do I need to activate my alternate theme via Appearance > Themes?
Short answer: “no”, stay away from the Appearance > Themes screen while switching themes. Long answer: whenever you activate a theme via the Appearance > Themes screen in the WP Admin Area, that theme will be the one that is publicly displayed (live). That’s why, with Theme Switcha, you don’t make any changes via the Themes screen; rather, you just visit the plugin settings and click on whichever theme you want to view privately. Complete instructions are available here and in the plugin’s readme.txt.
Theme settings not saved after theme switching disabled?
As explained in the plugin documentation, Theme Switcha should not be used with admin-related functionality like Gutenberg, Customizer, Widgets, Menus, etc. You can learn more about this here.
Widgets are not saved after theme switching is disabled?
As explained in the plugin documentation, Theme Switcha should not be used with admin-related functionality like Gutenberg, Customizer, Widgets, Menus, etc. You can learn more about this here.
When I switch themes, will it apply to all admins or just me?
Great question. Theme-switching uses cookies to work, so it is browser-specific. That basically means that only the person who switched the theme will be able to view it. There currently is no option to switch to the same theme at the same time for multiple users. It is possible, however, to share the same Passkey Link to any group of users, so they all will switch to the same theme. For more information about this, check out the section “Usage: Passkey Links”, located in the Installation Docs.
How can I let visitors choose their own theme?
You can use any of the front-end shortcodes to enable visitors to select any available theme. It’s also possible to exclude themes from switching. Visit the Installation Docs for more information (under “Usage: Display Menus” and “Excluding Themes”, respectively).
When switching themes, will visitors see the same content?
Yes, the same database/content will be displayed regardless of which theme is enabled or switched. The WP database provides the content for ALL themes.
How can I test demo content while switching themes?
Question: How can I test demo content (like posts and pages) while switching themes?
Answer: Just make sure that all of the demo content is added as “Draft” or “Pending” instead of “Published”. Then only logged-in users with proper capabilities will be able to see it.
I still don’t get it.. how do I switch themes?
Here are the steps to use the plugin: 1) Visit the plugin settings and enable the setting, “Enable Switching”. 2) Under “Available Themes”, you will see all themes that are available for switching; click one to enable it only for you (admin). Whichever theme you enable via the plugin settings will be available to you only, so you can work on the theme while regular visitors see whichever theme is activated under the Appearance menu. Note that changes made to the switched theme will be visible only by you and other admins. Changes made to content (like post content, page content, categories, tags, etc.), on the other hand, affect all themes and will be visible to your regular visitors. For more information, check out the Installation Docs.
How do I switch themes?
Theme Switcha is meant for temporarily switching themes. To actually change the current default active theme, visit the Themes page in the WordPress Admin Area.
How do I go live with changes made to my theme?
First, as explained here, Theme Switcha is for making changes to your theme template. With that in mind. If you switch to the “Awesome” theme using Theme Switcha, and then modify the theme template files, those changes will be made public once you change the default active theme to “Awesome” (via the WP Themes page).
Note: For any admin-related features like the Customizer, Widgets, Menus, and other theme-related options, any changes made to a switched theme may or may not be remembered after activating the theme as the site’s default active theme. This is why Theme Switcha is not recommended for use with admin features like Customizer, Widgets, etc. To learn more, read this Important Information.
Got a question?
Stuur je vragen of feedback via mijn contactformulier
Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars
“Theme Switcha – Easily Switch Themes for Development and Testing” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.
Bijdragers“Theme Switcha – Easily Switch Themes for Development and Testing” is vertaald in 3 talen. Dank voor de vertalers voor hun bijdragen.
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If you like Theme Switcha, please take a moment to give a 5-star rating. It helps to keep development and support going strong. Thank you!
3.3.5 (2024/10/15)
- Updates plugin settings page
- Updates default translation template
- Tests on WordPress 6.7 (beta)
Full changelog @