Plugin tag: switch
Manage Notification E-mails
(54 aantal beoordelingen)Enable and disable email notifications that WordPress sends to the admin and user. Works perfectly with many other plugins!
View Admin As
(48 aantal beoordelingen)Bekijk WordPress admin als een andere rol of bezoeker, schakel tussen gebruikers, verander tijdelijk je rechten, maak standaard scherminstellingen voor rollen.
Sticky Posts – Switch
(18 aantal beoordelingen)This plugin adds a sticky post switch functionality to the admin list post/custom post type pages.
Theme Switcha – Easily Switch Themes for Development and Testing
(60 aantal beoordelingen)Easily switch between themes for development and testing.
Menu Swapper
(43 aantal beoordelingen)Met de Menu Swapper kan je aangepaste thema locaties registreren en eenvoudig menu’s op afzonderlijke pagina’s of berichten wisselen, allemaal via de WordPress beheerder paneel …
Taxonomy Switcher
(22 aantal beoordelingen)Switch the taxonomy for all terms or only child terms of a specified parent term.
Fast User Switching
(9 aantal beoordelingen)Fast user switching between users and roles directly from the admin bar – switch from a list or search for users/roles by id, username, email, etc.
Fast Page Switch
(21 aantal beoordelingen)Save time switching between posts of any post-type in wp-admin.
Cryout Theme Switch
(1 aantal beoordelingen)Quickly and easily swap between themes. Adds a theme switcher to the WordPress Admin Bar with all parent/child themes, filtering and favorites list.
Conditional Themes
(9 aantal beoordelingen)A simple API to switch the themes on certain conditions.
Switch – Simple Cookie Notice
(0 aantal beoordelingen)Simple cookie notice plugin, adds a little bit of html to the footer that can be styled as a cookie banner.
WP Maintenance Switch
(1 aantal beoordelingen)A light-weight tool to turn on maintenance mode with just one click.
WXY Advanced Multitheme
(0 aantal beoordelingen)Assign a different theme to individual pages/posts, as well as a different page layout (template) for each!
Switch Pages
(1 aantal beoordelingen)Switch Pages is a plugin which allows you to switch between pages/posts from within the Edit page without having to go to the Pages tab and searching …
Page Switcher
(4 aantal beoordelingen)Easily change or switch the current page to other pages from the wordpress editor.