Integrate your WordPress site perfectly with Telegram with full control.
1. Plaats op Telegram
- 📝 Send posts automatically to Telegram when published or updated
- 📢 You can send to a Telegram Channel, Group, Supergroup or private chat
- 👥 Ondersteunt meerdere kanalen/chats
- 🙂 Samenstelling bericht templates met emoji’s
- ⏳ Supports Conditional logic inside Message Template
- 🖼 Supports sending featured image along with the text
- 🏞 You can choose to send only the Featured Image
- ⏱ Ondersteunt geplande (toekomstige) berichten
- 🕰 Messages can be delayed by a specific interval
- ⬜️ You can add an Inline button for the post URL
- 🛒 Supports WooCommerce products and other Custom Post Types
- ✒️ Direct Support for sending Custom Fields
- 🗃 Je kunt aangepaste taxonomietermen verzenden
- 📋 Je kunt de berichttypes selecteren die moeten worden verzonden
- ⏲ You can choose when to send (New and/or existing posts)
- 🎛 Make use of Custom Rules to filter posts by authors, categories, tags, post formats or custom taxonomy terms
- 🎚 You can override the default settings on post edit page
WP Telegram Pro supports multiple channels based upon category/tag/author/post type etc. and also supports unlimited Reaction buttons.
2. Privé meldingen
- Ontvang je e-mailmeldingen op Telegram
- 🔔 Supports WooCommerce order notifications, Contact Form 7 and other plugin notifications
- 🔕 Allow users to receive their email notifications on Telegram
- 🔐 Integrated with WP Telegram Login to let users connect their Telegram.
- 🖊 Users can also enter their Telegram Chat ID manually on page
3. Proxy
- 🚫 If your host blocks Telegram, you can use this module
- ✅ Bypass the ban on Telegram by making use of proxy
- 🚀 Supports Cloudflare worker as proxy which supports file upload
- 😍 Option to use custom Google Script as proxy
- ❇️ Ondersteunt alle proxy’s die door PHP worden ondersteund
- 🔛 You can select Proxy type – HTTP, SOCKS4, SOCKS4A, SOCKS5, SOCKS5_HOSTNAME
- Uitstekende LIVE ondersteuning op Telegram
- Eenvoudig te installeren en in te stellen voor de beheerder
- Volledig aanpasbaar met acties en filters
- Kan worden uitgebreid met aangepaste code
- Gereed voor vertaling
Aan de slag | plaats op Telegram
WooCommerce, CF7 enz. meldingen
Development takes place in our Github monorepo, and all contributions welcome.
Uitstekende LIVE ondersteuning op Telegram
Doe mee aan de chat
We have a public group on Telegram to provide help setting up the plugin, discuss issues, features, translations etc. Join @WPTelegramChat
For rules, see the pinned message. No spam please.
Neem contact op
- Website
- Telegram @WPTelegram
- Facebook @WPTelegram
- Twitter @WPTelegram
Upgraden naar Pro
WP Telegram Pro comes with more powerful features to give you more control. Upgrade NOW
Basis instellingen Post To Telegram Settings Instellingen voor berichten naar Telegram (vervolg) Instellingen voor berichten naar Telegram (vervolg) Instellingen voor berichten naar Telegram (vervolg) Private Notifications Settings Instellingen voor privémeldingen (vervolg) Proxy instellingen Proxy instellingen (vervolg) Proxy instellingen (vervolg) Geavanceerde instellingen Pagina bericht bewerken (Klassieke editor) Post Edit Page (Block Editor) Instant Send to Telegram
Automatische installatie
Automatic installation is the easiest way — WordPress will handle the file transfer, and you won’t need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of the plugin:
- Login op je WordPress dashboard
- Navigate to the Plugins menu, and click “Add New”
- In the search field type “wptelegram” and hit Enter
- Zoek de plugin in de lijst met zoekresultaten
- Click on “Install Now” and wait for the installation to complete
- Klik op “Activeren”
Handmatige installatie
Manual installation method requires downloading the plugin and uploading it to your web server via your favorite FTP application. The official WordPress documentation contains instructions on how to do this here.
Aan het updaten
Automatic updates should work smoothly, but we still recommend you back up your site.
Hoe maak je een Telegram bot?
To create a bot, you need to send
command to @BotFather. After completing the steps@BotFather
will provide you the Bot Token, which you can use in plugin settings. -
Kan ik berichten naar een besloten chatroom/groep verzenden?
Yes, you need to get the chat ID of the channel or group. For that, you need to message @MyChatInfoBot and follow its instructions to obtain the ID for a channel or group.
What is “Bad request: Chat ID not found” error?
It means either you have entered a wrong chat ID in the settings or you forgot to add your own bot to the group or channel. Some users also enter the bot username instead of the channel username.
What is “Bad Request: wrong file identifier/HTTP URL specified” error?
If you see that error in Bot API log file, it means that there is some problem with your images/files that you are trying to send to Telegram. You can try to disable Send files by URL option in Geavanceerde instellingen to see if it fixes the issue. More details here.
Why do I see a CURL (Connection refused) error for Test Token?
If your host is in Russia or Iran or it’s a free hosting, your host most likely blocks Telegram. You can activate and set up the Proxy module of the plugin to bypass the ban.
Waarom worden berichten niet naar Telegram verzonden?
There can be many reasons for that. To better understand the reason, you can enable both the logs in Geavanceerde instellingen and then try to send the post again, then share the logs with our support on Telegram – @WPTelegramSupport.
Why the posts in block editor are sent to Telegram even when Send to Telegram is OFF?
It may be because you hit update button without makes any changes to the post.
Waarom worden berichten dubbel weergegeven op Telegram?
It can happen because of multiple submit/publish/update requests, for example in block editor. An easy solution would be to set 1 minute delay in posting in Post to Telegram settings.
Posts/Classifieds/Jobs/Products created via front-end submission are not sent to Telegram, why?
The users submitting those posts may not have enough permissions to publish/edit those posts. You can enable Plugin generated posts option in Post to Telegram settings to fix the issue.
Posts created via import plugins are not sent to Telegram, why?
Sending of posts when bulk importing is disabled by default to prevent unintended flooding of Telegram channels. If you want to enable it, you can add this one line to
of your child theme.add_filter( 'wptelegram_p2tg_send_if_importing', '__return_true' );
Hoe kan ik de titel van een bericht vet maken?
You can use
in the template and set Formatting option to HTML. More details here. -
Can I send posts from different categories to different channels/groups?
That is possible only in Pro version.
Hoe werken privémeldingen?
Private Notifications module watches every email that is sent from your WordPress Website. If the address of that email matches the one added in plugin settings, then that email is sent to Telegram on the given chat/group as added in the settings.
Hoe werken gebruikersmeldingen?
Private Notifications module watches every email that is sent from your WordPress Website. When you enable User Notifications, you need to connect your users’ accounts to their Telegram accounts. Once you do that, then whenever an email is sent to a user, the plugin finds its connected Telegram account and forwards the email to that Telegram account. So, it works for any plugin/system that sends email notifications.
Can I receive WooCommerce order notifications on Telegram?
Yes, all you need to do is to setup Private Notifications module and use the same email there as set in WooCommerce order email settings.
Can I receive Contact Form 7 submissions on Telegram?
Yes, all you need to do is to setup Private Notifications module and use the same email there as set in “To” field of Mail settings section of the Contact Form.
Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars
“WP Telegram (Auto Post and Notifications)” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.
Bijdragers“WP Telegram (Auto Post and Notifications)” is vertaald in 14 talen. Dank voor de vertalers voor hun bijdragen.
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