Quickly and easily rollback any theme or plugin from to any previous (or newer) version without any of the manual fuss. Works just like the plugin updater, except you’re rolling back (or forward) to a specific version. No need for manually downloading and FTPing the files or learning Subversion. This plugin takes care of the trouble for you.
🔙 Rollback Plugins and Themes
Hoewel het als beste praktijk wordt beschouwd om altijd je WordPress plugins en thema’s geüpdatet te houden, begrijpen we dat je soms snel moet terugdraaien naar een vorige versie. Deze plugin maakt dat proces zo simpel als een paar klikken. Selecteer simpelweg de plugin of themaversie waarnaar je terug wil gaan, bevestig en in korte tijd zul je de geselecteerde versie gebruiken. Geen gedoe meer om de versie te vinden, downloaden, ontzippen, FTP’en, subversie leren of haren te trekken.
Zeer belangrijk (Very important): altijd testen en back-up maken
Important Disclaimer: This plugin is not intended to be used without first taking the proper precautions to ensure zero data loss or site downtime. Always be sure you have first tested the rollback on a staging or development site prior to using WP Rollback on a live site.
We bieden geen (nul) waarborgen of garanties dat de plugin, thema, of WordPress versie waarnaar je terugdraait zal werken zoals je verwacht. Gebruik deze plugin op eigen risico.
Gereed voor vertaling
Do you speak another language? Want to contribute in a meaningful way to WP Rollback? There’s no better way than to help us translate the plugin. This plugin is translation ready. Simply header over to the WP Rollback translation project that’s powered by volunteer translators. There you can contribute to the translation of the plugin into your language.
Support en Documentatie
We beantwoorden alle hulpaanvragen op het ondersteuningsforum.
WP Rollback was created to be as intuitive to the natural WordPress experience as possible. There are is no dedicated settings page or options panel. We believe that once you activate WP Rollback, you’ll quickly discover exactly how it works without question.
We do have documentation on the plugin GitHub Wiki.
Minimale vereisten
- WordPress 5.5 of hoger
- PHP versie 7.4 of hoger
- MySQL-versie 5.0 of hoger
Automatische installatie
Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don’t need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of WP Rollback, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New.
In the search field type “WP Rollback” and click Search Plugins. Once you have found the plugin you can view details about it such as the point release, rating and description. Most importantly of course, you can install it by simply clicking “Install Now”.
Handmatige installatie
The manual installation method involves downloading our donation plugin and uploading it to your server via your favorite FTP application. The WordPress codex contains instructions on how to do this here.
Bezig met bijwerken
Automatic updates should work like a charm; as always though, ensure you backup your site just in case.
Is deze plugin veilig om te gebruiken?
Kort antwoord = Ja. Langer antwoord = het hangt af van hoe je het gebruikt.
WP Rollback is helemaal veilig want het enige dat het doet, is publiekelijk toegankelijke versies van de plugins die je al hebt opzoeken, en de door je aangewezen versie installeren. Er is geen ander soort gegoochel of offsite calls of wat dan ook. MAAR!!!
Veiligheid hangt grotendeels van je af. De WordPress site beheer. We raden absoluut NIET aan om plugins of thema’s terug te draaien op een live site. Test de rollback eerst lokaal, maak back-ups, gebruik alle beste praktijk gereedschap die je ter beschikking hebt. Dit is bedoeld om het terugdraaien gemakkelijker te maken, dat is alles.
WP Rollback only works with plugins or themes installed from the WordPress Repository. If you don’t see the rollback link, then most likely that plugin or theme is not found on This plugin does not support plugins from GitHub, ThemeForest, or other sources other than the Repo.
Ik heb mijn [voeg plugin naam in] terug tot versie X.X gedraaid, en nu is mijn site gebroken. Dit is je schuld.
Neen. We hebben je in vetgedrukte letters meerdere keren gewaarschuwd. En onze plugin heeft precies gedaan wat het zei dat het zou doen. Moge de Goden des internets genade hebben met de ziel van je gebroken site.
Waar bevindt zich de volledige documentatie?
The documentation for this plugin is located on our Github Wiki. This is where we make regular updates.
Kan deze plugin vertaald worden?
Ja! Alle strings zijn geïnternationaliseerd en klaar om vertaald te worden. Gebruik simpelweg het languages/wp-rollback.pot bestand en je favoriete vertaaltool. Laat het ons weten op de fora of, nog beter, stuur een pull request op de GitHub Repo zodra je klaar bent.
Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars
“WP Rollback – Rollback Plugins and Themes” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.
Bijdragers“WP Rollback – Rollback Plugins and Themes” is vertaald in 25 talen. Dank voor de vertalers voor hun bijdragen.
Vertaal “WP Rollback – Rollback Plugins and Themes” naar jouw taal.
Interesse in ontwikkeling?
Bekijk de code, haal de SVN repository op, of abonneer je op het ontwikkellog via RSS.
- Fix: Resolved a bug with plain permalink websites which caused a
error when trying to rollback a plugin or theme. Thanks, @afizesan for helping pinpoint the issue. - Fix: Update the way the React app is loaded to suppress React 18+ warnings.
- Tweak: Bumped the plugin’s minimum required WordPress version to 6.0+ for best compatibility with new React components in UI.
Fix: The release corrects the paths used in plugin file includes and requires. The unnecessary forward slashes at the start of each file path have been removed. This change ensures proper file inclusion and requirement, avoiding potential issues with file not found errors.
- New: In this version we’ve brought back the “trunk” option to rollback to. This allows plugin or theme developers who use trunk for beta testing to rollback to the latest trunk version. Thanks, @megamenu for suggesting this be brought back.
- Fix: Refactored how plugin avatar images are checked so that all available image types and sizes are checked. This resolves an issue where some plugins would not display an avatar image.
- Fix: On the final rollback confirmation screen, the plugin name field was outputting raw HTML. This has been fixed to properly display the plugin name, even if it contains some html characters.
- Fix: Resolved issue REST route not including proper permission callback which created a PHP notice. Thanks, @rom1our for submitting the issue.
- Fix: Resolve issue with REST API and multisite installs not being able to properly communicate with the endpoint.
- Fix: A few additional strings in JavaScript needed to be internationalized. Thanks, @pedro-mendonca for contributing the fix.
- Fix: Resolves an issue with WP Rollback not being able to communicate to its REST API on WordPress subdirectory installs. Thanks, @emaralive for reporting the issue.
- Fix: Resolved an issue with the POT file not properly being generated at release. This resolves the issue with the new UI not being able to be translated.
- New: Introducing version 2.0! In this new version the UI is now better looking and snappier than ever. The branding has also been updated to look and feel more modern.
- Fix: Resolved an issue with plugin rollbacks not correctly setting a filepath for the plugin being rolled back. Props to user @itmesteren for the fix.
- Fix: Ensure that the “Rollback” button displays properly when a WordPress site only has a single theme installed. Thanks @eldertech for your help uncovering this bug.
- Fix: Minor CSS fixes for the Rollback page.
- Tweak: Update the readme.txt file to have better instructions for translating the plugin. We also fixed a few typos.
- Fix: Prevent PHP notice when rolling back a plugin or theme on PHP 7.4.
- Tweak: de WP Time Capsule staging-knop en banner verwijderd.
- New: You now have the ability to rollback to the trunk for plugins. This is useful for beta testing releases and more. Thanks to karpstrucking for making this happen. #45
- New: Add actions “wpr_plugin_success”, “wpr_plugin_failure”, “wpr_theme_success”, and “wpr_theme_failure” for developers.
- New: If a plugin or theme does not have any tagged releases to select from then then an informative notice appears rather than empty space for a better user experience. #42
- Tweak: Use the API to retrieve plugin release version information for more reliable results. #35
- Tweak: Added additional information about the importance of Staging and Backups and links to our preferred plugin.
- New: You can now view plugin changelogs within the rollback screen. #7
- New: Added support for WordPress Multisite rollbacks for themes and plugins. #22
- New: Rollback button is fixed to the bottom of the page now to prevent long scrolls for rollbacks with many versions. #23
- New: Updated the plugin header graphic. #37
- New: Updated plugin’s text domain to the plugin’s slug of ‘wp-rollback’ to support WordPress’ GlotPress translations. #28
- New: Gulp automated POT file generation and text domain checker. #28
- Fix: Check the WP install’s themes transient is present, if not fetch it to see if a theme can be rolled back. Allows rollbacks for new WP installs or in a case where the transient is not set properly.#27
- Tested compatibility with WordPress 4.4 and verified as working; bumped up compatibility
- Fix: Trying to get property of non-object warning. #20
- Improvement: Better version sorting now using usort & version_compare. #16
- Nieuw: Portugese vertalingen toegevoegd.
- Fix: Limit HTTP requests to Plugin page only. Report 1 Report 2
- Fixed: XSS hardening. Thanks @secupress
- Fixed: CSRF patch regarding missing nonces. Thanks @secupress
- Improvement: escape all of the things.
- New: Russian translations from @Flector – thanks!
- Fix: Replaced use of wp_json_encode to support older WordPress versions. Report
- Fix: Rollback link appears on non plugins – thanks @scottopolis. #14
- Removed unnecessary WP_ROLLBACK_VERSION constant.
- Nieuw: Zweedse vertaalbestanden – Bedankt @WPDailyThemes.
- Fixed “Cancel” button which was falsely submitting the form.
- Initial plugin release. Yippee!
- Adds “Rollback” link to all plugins from the WordPress repo on the plugin screen.
- Adds “Rollback” link to all themes from the WordPress repo inside the modal details screen.
- The “Rollback” page allows you to choose which version you want to rollback to.