Recras WordPress-plugin


With this plugin, you can easily integrate data from your Recras instance, such as packages and contact forms, into your own website.

To get started, go to the Recras Settings page and enter your Recras name. For example, if you log in to Recras at then your Recras name is mysite. That’s all there is to it! You can now use widgets to retrieve data. All data is retrieved via a secured connection (HTTPS) to ensure data integrity. Other than the request parameters, no data is sent to the Recras servers.

This plugin consists of the following “widgets”. To use them, you first need to set your Recras name (see paragraph above).
* Availability calendar
* Book processes
* Contact forms
* Online booking of packages
* Packages
* Products
* Voucher sales
* Voucher info

Widgets can be added to your site in three ways. Using Gutenberg blocks (recommended), using the buttons in the “classic editor” (limited functionality), or by entering the shortcode manually (discouraged).

Date picker for contact forms

By default, date pickers in contact forms use the browser date picker. If you want to be able to style the date picker, we recommend to enable the date picker we have included with the plugin. You can enable this on the Recras Settings page.

Note: this setting only applies to standalone contact forms, not to contact forms used in the seamless online booking integration or in book processes.


No custom styling is applied by default, so it will integrate with your site easily. If you want to apply custom styling, see css/style.css for all available classes. Be sure to include these styles in your own theme, this stylesheet is not loaded by the plugin!
For styling the date picker, we refer you to the Pikaday repository. Be sure to make any changes in your own theme or using WordPress’ own Customizer.


All data from your Recras is cached for up to 24 hours. If you make important changes, such as increasing the price of a product, you can clear the cache to reflect those changes on your site immediately.

Google Analytics-integratie

You can enable basic Google Analytics integration for the booking of packages and voucher sales by checking “Enable Google Analytics integration?” on the Recras Settings page. This will only work if there is a global ga JavaScript object. This should almost always be the case, but if you find out it doesn’t work, please contact us!

Hulp nodig?

We would appreciate it if you use our GitHub page for bug reports, pull requests and general questions. If you do not have a GitHub account, you can use the Support forum on

We only support the latest plugin of the plugin, on the latest version of WordPress (which you should always use anyway!) and only on actively supported PHP branches.


  • Icons from Dashicons by WordPress, released under the GPLv2 licence.
  • Date picker is Pikaday, released under the BSD/MIT licence.
  • Country list is by umpirsky, released under the MIT licence.


  • Voorbeeld van een programma met het thema Twenty Fifteen
  • Example of package information, generated from Recras data
  • De Recras-blokken in Gutenberg


Eenvoudige installatie (aanbevolen)

  1. Install the plugin from the Plugins > Add New page in your WordPress installation.

Handmatige installatie

  1. Download the zip file containing the plugin and extract it somewhere to your hard drive
  2. Upload the recras-wordpress-plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activeer de plugin via het ‘Plugins’-menu in WordPress

Met Composer

  1. Type composer require recras/recras-wordpress-plugin in your terminal
  2. The plugin will automatically be installed in the /wp-content/plugins/ directory by using Composer Installers
  3. Activeer de plugin via het ‘Plugins’-menu in WordPress


Do you support Elementor, WPBakery/Visual Composer, Brizy, etc. ?

Integrating a book process is possible through Elementor. There are many different page builders but Elementor is the most used one, so we chose to only build this widget for Elementor. Using shortcodes is still possible in all other builders, of course.

Does the plugin support network installations?

Yes it does. You can set different Recras names (all settings, for that matter) for each site.

Can the plugin be installed as “must use plugin” ?

No. “Must use” plugins don’t appear in the update notifications nor show their update status on the plugins page (direct quote from the WordPress documentation) which is reason enough for us not to support this.


Er zijn geen beoordelingen voor deze plugin.

Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars

“Recras WordPress-plugin” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.


“Recras WordPress-plugin” is vertaald in 1 taal. Dank voor de vertalers voor hun bijdragen.

Vertaal “Recras WordPress-plugin” naar jouw taal.

Interesse in ontwikkeling?

Bekijk de code, haal de SVN repository op, of abonneer je op het ontwikkellog via RSS.



  • The plugin now hides certain blocks/editor buttons, when they’re not available in your Recras instance
  • Plugin now requires WP 6.5 or higher


  • Fix error in Elementor when book process cannot be found


  • Update “Fix book process datepicker styling” styles to latest version
  • Updated “Tested up to” version to 6.7
  • If package in a contact form is required, don’t add an empty option


  • Fix warning with Elementor book process widget
  • Update Dutch translation


  • Added a book process widget for Elementor
  • Improve error message when “id” is set, but empty
  • Plugin now requires PHP 7.4 or higher


  • Fix for multi-day packages where the last line has no end time
  • Fix wrongful error after clearing cache


  • Fix programme of multi-day package


  • Fix duration of multi-day package
  • Updated “Tested up to” version to 6.6
  • Plugin now requires WP 6.4 or higher


  • Show error if redirect is set but invalid
  • Small technical update


  • No functional changes compared to 6.1.1
  • Small technical updates


  • Fix issue with “Fix datepicker” styling
  • Include styling fix for checkboxes/radio buttons in contact forms


  • Update “Fix book process datepicker styling” styles to latest version
  • Give error when trying to show information of a package that does not exist or may not be presented on a website
  • Minor admin CSS update
  • Removed script for very old browsers
  • Updated “Tested up to” version to 6.5
  • Plugin now requires PHP 7.3 or higher
  • Plugin now requires WP 6.3 or higher

6.0 (highlights)

  • Various small fixes
  • Updated “Tested up to” version to 6.4
  • Removed support for Composer Installers

5.5 (highlights)

  • Make online booking of packages look better on narrow pages on large screens (i.e. desktop)
  • Various fixes, mostly related to book processes
  • Updated “Tested up to” version to 6.3
  • Plugin now requires PHP 7.2 or higher

5.4 (highlights)

  • Small improvements and bugfixes

5.3 (highlights)

  • Allow initial value in first widget of a book process, when the first widget is “package selection”.
  • Bugfixes

Older versions

See the full changelog for older versions.