With this plugin You can hide all WordPress elements. Even for human it will be hard to recognize that You site using WordPress.
Major features
- hide (change URLs) all sensitive WordPress elements, like:
- wp-admin
- wp-login.php
- wp-includes
- plugins
- themes
- wp-content
- media
- make internal links relative
Example site with Hide WP plugin
This plugin may harm your site if your site uses plugins or theme which uses wordpress functions in not proper way.
In example: function site_url.
The right way: $url = site_url( ‘/secrets/’ );
The wrong way: $url = site_url() . ‘/secrets/’;
If your site is broken after this plugin activation go to FAQ for instructions.
- Upload zip archive content to the
directory - Activeer de plug-in via het ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Go to Administration area and choose SuperSonic from menu.
- Configure plugin.
- What to do when my site is broken?
- Delete hide-wp directory from wp-content/plugins.
- Ramove all content between ‘# BEGIN Hide WP’ and ‘# END Hide WP’ from .htaccess file.
Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars
“Hide WP” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.
BijdragersVertaal “Hide WP” naar jouw taal.
Interesse in ontwikkeling?
Bekijk de code, haal de SVN repository op, of abonneer je op het ontwikkellog via RSS.
- Fixed notices
- Changed login handling
- Added default configuration for new installs
- Added W3 Total Cache support
- Added message about Pretty Permalinks are required
- Bug fixed in script and css sources
- Fixed bug in script and style sources (trailingslashit removed from src)
- Rewrite configuration after theme switching
- Added options for changing or hide generator meta tag
- Added option for disable X-Pingback HTTP header
- Initiële versie