CMS Commander – Manage Multiple Sites


With CMS Commander you can manage multiple WordPress sites from a single powerful dashboard. We help you control, monitor and backup all your websites – no matter if you have one or hundreds.

But CMS Commander is more than just another WordPress management solution. We do also provide you with essential marketing tools to optimize your content and better monetize your sites. With CMS Commander you will save time and earn more.

The full list of things you can do with CMS Commander is long. Have a look at our features page on to get a full overview of how we can help you manage WordPress.

De volgende zijn enkele van onze 3.000+ gebruikers hun favoriete functies:


  • All your WordPress sites in one powerful dashboard.
  • Update plugins, themes and WordPress itself on all blogs.
  • Do everything in bulk! Install plugins on multiple sites, manage users, bulk edit content and more.


  • Google Analytics integration: View aggregated traffic stats of your whole site network.
  • Uptime monitoring built in.
  • Backlink and pagespeed tracking


  • Over 20 APIs provide affiliate ads, images, videos and other useful free content you can use.
  • Monetize your sites better by posting relevant ads and affiliate products.
  • Improve your articles with free creative commons images and other high quality content


  • Create full backups of your sites and restore then with a single click
  • Schedule automatic backup tasks and save your backups to Dropbox, Google Drive or Amazon S3
  • Copy an entire website with our powerful “Clone” tools.

Klinkt goed? Meld je nu aan voor je gratis account om te beginnen met CMS Commander!

Met een gratis proefaccount kun je al onze functies 14 dagen testen . Kijk hier voor meer informatie over onspremium plannen.

De CMS Commander WordPress plugin zorgt voor de veilige communicatie tussen je individuele sites en je WordPress management dashboard op en moet op elke te site geinstalleerd worden die je op afstand wil beheren met ons.

credits: Vladimir Prelovacvoor zijn worker plugin waarop de CMS Commander plugin is gebaseerd.


Dit bestand is onderdeel van de CMS Commander plugin.

De CMS Commander plugin is gratis software: je kunt deze verspreiden en/of wijzigen onder de voorwaarden van de GNU General Public License zoals gepubliceerd door de Free Software Foundation, versie 3 van de licentie, of (naar je keuze) elke latere versie .

De CMS Commander plugin wordt verspreid in de hoop dat deze nuttig zal zijn, maar ZONDER ENIGE GARANTIE; zonder zelfs de impliciete garantie van VERKOOPBAARHEID of GESCHIKTHEID VOOR EEN BEPAALD DOEL. Zie de GNU General Public License voor meer details.

Je zou een kopie van de GNU General Public License moeten ontvangen samen met CMS Commander. Zo niet, zie


  • The CMS Commander dashboard – here you see all your websites, Analytics stats, uptime, available updates, new comments, post drafts and more.


  1. Upload de plugin map naar je /wp-content/plugins/ folder
  2. Ga naar de “Plugins” pagina in je WordPress beheer en activeer de CMS Commander plugin
  3. Bezoek en meld je gratis aan om je site toe te voegen
  4. Meld je aan bij je CMS Commander account en voeg je sites toe.


Waarom heb ik CMS Commander nodig?

Als je veel WordPress sites bezit, weet je zeker hoe omslachtig het kan zijn om voor allemaal te zorgen. CMS Commander wijzigt dat: door al je sites bulksgewijs te beheren vanuit één dashboard, kun je veel tijd besparen. Verder CMS Commander helpt ook je geld te verdienen met je sites en beveiligt ze door het creëren van automatische back-ups.

Is CMS Commander gratis?

CMS Commander is a premium service but a 14 day trial account (no payment details needed) is available to allow you to test all our features. For details please refer to our pricing page.

Is CMS Commander veilig?

Ja, we nemen de beveiliging serieus en hebben veel waarborgen geïmplementeerd om je beheerde sites veilig te houden. Het is de 5+ jaar dat CMS Commander daar actief was, geen veiligheidsincident was als gevolg van onze zorg. Je hoeft geen beheerderswachtwoorden in te voeren om sites in je CMS Commander account te beheren en alle communicatie wordt via een beveiligde SSL-gecodeerde verbinding verzonden. Je kunt je CMS Commander account bovendien beveiligen met 2-factor authenticatie.

Laat CMS Commander een voetafdruk achter?

Nee, CMS Commander laat geen voetafdruk achter op de sites die je ermee beheert, omdat deze volledig in de back-end werkte. Onze service is veilig voor gebruik met PBN’s en kan niet worden gedetecteerd.


16 maart 2021
alot of hard work went into this because there is very little like it
3 september 2020
I have been a loyal customer of CMS Commander for several years now. It was a straightforward backup tool which was about all I needed -until it quite working. I’d get it fixed and then an upgrade or something would happen and it would break -without any warning to me that it was broken. Which is not good with backups! Support, which is on an opposite time zone from the US, is slow to respond and difficult to navigate to find your own answers. The plugin update tool seems to work about 50/50 of the time. The worst part is that if you use their service and get an annual license, which auto renews each year -without any notification via email to you- is that they will not refund any part upon cancellation! I asked for a prorated refund and this is what they said, “You are of course free to cancel your subscription at any time but please note that for yearly payments a partial refund of unused time is not a possibility. The point of the yearly payments is to offer you additional savings but at the cost of a longer time commitment.” I’ve set my calendar to watch the upgrade this next year so it doesn’t slip by! Until then I’ll have to bite the bullet and put up with sub-par backup services. ManageWP with their $2/per site, per month backups is a MUCH better consistent service and deal!
10 april 2017
Compared to other tools with CMS Commander i have all the options that are important to me in one single plugin: backup, site cloning, updates, even bulk plugin transfers from one to another site and many more. Clear overview of all my sites, settings, plugins, themes. With a simple and transparent subscription who covers all the great functionality, without extra plugins and subscriptions needed for some functionality, as it is with offers from the competitors.
3 september 2016
I manage a lot of websites for clients and I have researched and tried many different WP management tools. CMS commander works amazing and gives the most bang for the buck. Responsiveness of the support is great.
3 september 2016
I logged into my CMS commander account today looking to see if it had a very specific feature I need. I was thinking of moving to another manager if it was not there. The coolest thing happened. I log in daily. But today. When I logged in looking for this special feature, there was a huge announcement at the top of the screen that the feature had just been added!!! You read my mind. thank you thank you thank you!!! Edit: It just keeps getting better. New (useful) features all the time.
3 september 2016
We’ve made the switch from another well known WP manager to CMS Commander and haven’t looked back! We’re managing over 50 sites and everything runs great, from auto updates to auto backups. Support is very responsive and helpful as well. I couldn’t recommend this enough!
Lees alle 25 beoordelingen

Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars

“CMS Commander – Manage Multiple Sites” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.


“CMS Commander – Manage Multiple Sites” is vertaald in 3 talen. Dank voor de vertalers voor hun bijdragen.

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Interesse in ontwikkeling?

Bekijk de code, haal de SVN repository op, of abonneer je op het ontwikkellog via RSS.



  • Fixes a security issue, which could affect sites with this plugin active that were not yet added to the CMS Commander dashboard
  • Compatibility fix for php8


  • Further php8 compatibility fixes


  • Fixes related to compatibility with php8


  • Updates Google Drive backups to account for API changes that broke upload for certain server configs.


  • Version change only, because WordPress was not recognizing an available update for previous hotfix version 2.272 to 2.28.


  • Fixes a problem that prevented automatic backup tasks from processing correctly


  • Bugfixes related to latest updates


  • Several fixes for new Dropbox API V2 implementation


  • Adds support for Dropbox API V2


  • Fixes custom post types not returning properly when searching a site for content.
  • Improves search for specific keywords in content when searching multiple sites.
  • Adds setting to CMS Commander editor to allow users to change the permalink.


  • Bug fix: Repairs the search posts feature in CMS Commander, which has not been working correctly.


  • Security fix
  • Minor performance improvements for database cleanups


  • Improvements to the backup procedure and performance
  • Improves compatibility with InfiniteWP and ManageWP
  • Fixes to the optimization and database cleanup feature
  • Various minor bug fixes


  • Better backup performance in cases where certain other plugins or backup solutions are used
  • Improved syncing of new updates and comments with the dashboard
  • Verschillende kleine reparaties


  • Oplossing: Fout waardoor bepaalde updates van premium plugins niet konden worden gerapporteerd
  • Fix: Better recognization of available updates


  • Fix: Changes to the cleanup feature to make it work more reliably
  • Verschillende kleine reparaties


  • Fix: Bug that could cause backup tasks to not get deleted correctly
  • Oplossing: Fout waardoor php-waarschuwingen werden gegenereerd en in de log werden opgeslagen
  • Oplossing: plugin werd niet correct gedeactiveerd wanneer de site werd verwijderd uit CMS Commander


  • Fix: Fixes a bug with the 1-click login feature that had been introduced by the previous update


  • Toegevoegd: ondersteuning voor updates van premium plugins
  • Toegevoegd: bulk bewerken berichten functie
  • Verbeterd: prestaties van de client plugin


  • Added: New classes for Dropbox, S3 and Google Drive integration
  • Verbeterd: prestaties van externe back-up uploads voor grote sites
  • Opgelost: bug met Google Analytics verificatie


  • Toegevoegd : Ondersteuning voor nieuwe implementeer WordPress functie
  • Opgelost: verbeterde prestaties voor back-uptaken op grotere sites


  • Added: Backlink tracking
  • Added: Pagespeed tracking
  • Fixed: Incompatibility with Ninja Forms and possibly other plugins


  • Fixed: Bug that prevented Backups from being uploaded to Dropbox
  • Improved: Support for sites using SSL


  • Fixed: Bug that prevents CMS Commander dashboard to recognize the latest version of the client was installed.


  • Added: Improved post editor with presets for product/forum posts
  • Fixed: Several minor bug fixes and code enhancements


  • Added: Copy plugin settings feature for certain popular plugins
  • Added: Easier way to readd and remove websites from an account
  • Fix: Prevents deleted or paused backup tasks from running in certain situations.
  • Update: New Amazon S3 class


  • Added: database optimization feature
  • Added: clear spam comments and misc tools feature
  • Fixed: Improved automatic updating of CMS Commander client


  • Added: Activity log
  • Fixed: Bug that prevented correct password setup on bulk user account creation
  • Fixed: Improved automatic plugin and theme updates


  • Added: New comments managements features: reply to comments, bulk delete and empty trash/spam
  • Added: Support for connecting multiple Google Analytics accounts
  • Added: Dashboard site data is updated automatically in regular intervals


  • Added: Support for managing automatic updates on all WordPress blogs
  • Added: Ignore or install single plugin updates on the dashboard
  • Fixed: Minor bugs related to WP 3.8


  • First release in WP plugin directory.