Next to all appearances of each commenter’s name in the admin, this plugin shows a comments bubble identical to the one shown for posts in the admin listing of posts. The comments bubble shows the number of approved comments for that person and potentially a red superscript circle indicating the number of pending comments for the person (assuming they have any). The comment counts are linked to listings of comments associated solely with that particular commenter.
By default in WordPress, it is not possible to tell via a single glance whether a particular commenter has commented before or how many times the’ve commented.
This plugin adds this handy capability to the WordPress admin pages that allows you to:
- Quickly identify a first-time commenter
- Quickly identify unfamiliar commenters that have in fact commented before
- Quickly see how many total comments a particular commenter has made, and how many comments are pending
- Easily navigate to a listing of all approved comments and all moderated comments by a commenter, in order to see what post and when they last commented (or first commented), get a feel for the nature of their comments, or find something they’ve said in the past
Specifically, the linked comment count appears next to commenters in:
- The “Comments” listing of comments (including comment search results)
- The “Comments for ‘POST_TITLE’” listing of post-specific comments
- The “Discussion” box of the “Edit Post” page for a post with comments
- The “Recent Comments” admin dashboard widget
- The “Users” listing of users (as the column “Comments”)
Commenters are identified by the email address they provided when commenting. If your site does not require that commenters submit their email address when commenting, this plugin will use the commenter’s name as the identifier, though since this is a publicly viewable piece of data it’s possible that multiple people could be posting under the same “name”, so this method has the potential to be not as accurate.
Links: Plugin Homepage | Plugin Directory Page | GitHub | Author Homepage
A screenshot of the ‘Comments’ admin page with the comment count appearing next to the commenter’s name. The most recent comment is from someone who has one approved commented on the site. The second comment is from someone who hasn’t commented on the site before and has one comment in moderation. The third comment is from someone who has commented 12 times before and has 3 additional comments in moderation. A screenshot of the ‘Comments on POST TITLE’ admin page with the comment count appearing next to the commenter’s name. A screenshot of the ‘Activity’ admin dashboard widget with the comment count appearing next to the commenter’s name. A screenshot of the ‘Comments’ metabox on the ‘Edit Post’ admin page with the comment count appearing next to the commenter’s name. A screenshot of the ‘Comments’ column added to the admin users listing.
- Install via the built-in WordPress plugin installer. Or download and unzip
inside the plugins directory for your site (typicallywp-content/plugins/
) - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ admin menu in WordPress
Why would I want to see a count of how many comments someone made?
There are many reasons, some of which might include:
- Quickly identify a first-time commenter
- Quickly identify unfamiliar commenters that have in fact commented before
- Quickly see how many total comments a particular commenter has made, and how many comments are pending
- Easily navigate to a listing of all approved comments and all moderated comments by a commenter, in order to see what post and when they last commented (or first commented), get a feel for the nature of their comments, or find something they’ve said in the past
How does the plugin know about all of the comments someone made to the site?
Commenters are identified by the email address they provided when making a comment. If commenters are allowed to omit providing an email address, then their name is used to identify them (though this is potentially less accurate).
Why does it report someone as having less comments than I know they’ve actually made?
Since commenters are identified by the email address they provided when making a comment, if they supply an alternative email address for a comment, the plugin treats that email address as a separate person.
How do I hide (or show) the “Comments” column in the listing of the admin Users page?
Click the “Screen Options” link in the upper-right of the page. It will slide down a form. Click (or unclick) the checkbox for “Comments” to show (or hide) the column.
Does this plugin include unit tests?
Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars
“Admin Commenters Comments Count” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.
Bijdragers“Admin Commenters Comments Count” is vertaald in 3 talen. Dank voor de vertalers voor hun bijdragen.
Vertaal “Admin Commenters Comments Count” naar jouw taal.
Interesse in ontwikkeling?
Bekijk de code, haal de SVN repository op, of abonneer je op het ontwikkellog via RSS.
1.9.6 (2021-05-01)
- Fix: Change
method visibility fromprivate
to avoid warnings under PHP8 - Fix: Throw an error when attempting to unserialize an instance of the class to actually prevent it from happening
1.9.5 (2021-04-22)
- Change: Note compatibility through WP 5.7+
- Change: Update copyright date (2021)
- New: Add a few more possible TODO items
1.9.4 (2020-09-13)
- Change: Convert to use of strict equality checks
- Change: Restructure unit test file structure
- New: Create new subdirectory
to house all files related to unit testing - Change: Move
- Change: Move
- Change: Move
- Change: Rename
per best practices
- New: Create new subdirectory
- Change: Note compatibility through WP 5.5+
- Change: Tweak inline function documentation
- Change: Update list of TODO items to add some considerations to an existing item, fix a type, change sublist syntax
- Unit tests:
- New: Add tests for
- New: Add tests for
Full changelog is available in