Plugin tag: blocking
Block Comment Spam Bots
(3 aantal beoordelingen)A simple to use plugin that stops automated spam. Install and forget, and any automated spam targeting your native WordPress comments is immediately t …
Simple Site Lockdown
(7 aantal beoordelingen)Provides a really simple mechanism for locking down a site so that it's private to all but logged in admin users.
Block Spammers
(0 aantal beoordelingen)Block spammers from submitting comments, by IPs or by bad words.
Advanced Country Blocker
(0 aantal beoordelingen)An advanced security plugin that blocks website visitors by country, with additional features like blacklisting, logging blocked attempts, admin bypas …
Tiny Simple AdBlock Detector
(0 aantal beoordelingen)Detects AdBlocking software and allows to display some html based on detection result. Word for AdBlock for sure. Should work for others.
Simple AI Blocker
(0 aantal beoordelingen)Block AI Crawlers directly via their IP addresses or user-agents.