Shop Store
Dit thema is in meer dan 2 jaar niet geüpdatet. Het wordt mogelijk niet langer onderhouden of ondersteund en kan compatibiliteitsproblemen hebben bij gebruik met recentere versies van WordPress.
Dit is een sub-thema van Di Blog.
Shop Store is a MultiPurpose, Responsive, SEO Friendly, Clean, Customizable and WooCommerce Compatible theme. it is best theme to sell products and display informations such as text, images, tables, menus, header image, widgets etc. Shop Store theme is fully compatible with Elementor page builder and also have page templates such as Full Width for Page Builder, Page with Left Sidebar, Page with Right Sidebar, Full Width template. Theme Features: Custom Logo, Custom Menu, Custom Widgets, Social Icons, WooCoomerce Icons, Header Image, Front Page Slider, Page Templates, Footer Widgets, Footer Copyright Section, Typography Options, Blog Options, WooCoomerce Options, Social Profile Options, Sidebar Menu Options, Sticky Menu Option, Back To Top Icon, Page Loading Icon and much more. Shop Store theme can be use for many type of websites such as Blog, eCommerce, Photography, Lifestyle, Travel, Hotel, Restaurant, Portfolio, Agency and Firm, Business Website, Gallery, Event, Startups, Architecture, Medical, Sport, Landing Page, One Page, Affiliate, Education, Yoga and similar websites.
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