Dit thema is in meer dan 2 jaar niet geüpdatet. Het wordt mogelijk niet langer onderhouden of ondersteund en kan compatibiliteitsproblemen hebben bij gebruik met recentere versies van WordPress.
Almasi – The Diamond! As with every raw Diamond, a little polishing and tender care results in a sparkling gem! Make your Website sparkle with Almasi polished with awesome content, images and videos all wrapped with a touch of topics you care about. Almasi comes packed with the following features: 4 menu locations (3 standard + 1 Social links), 2 Widget areas (Sidebar + Showcase area), 3 Custom Widgets (Almasi Ephemera, Almasi Page Showcase + Almasi Recent Posts), Custom header below top menu, Grid Featured Content + Triple transition Slider below Site title/social links, Support for custom background color/image and much more! View demo here:
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