• Hi WP-wizzards!

    Last year I also had this problem, after a major update of WP: when you add an image to a row of existing images in the WYSWIYG editor (with every image a different link), the HTML editor shows a total merge of two adjacent images (with their former seperated links).

    For a time it was OK again, or maybe I did not change images much in a timelapse and I didnot notice this problem reappeared.

    But now it is again very hard to add an image without mingling the links of the images next to it. That is very frustrating, for one has to rewrite self the HTML-code for seperating two adjacent images.

    Also drag and drop to rearrange images is IMPOSSIBLE without losing their original links!!

    PLEASE take notice of this rather big problem. Code is no poetry this way…
    Thank you so much!

    Magda van Tilburg

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