• Opgelost GregorServais


    Sinds kort heb ik een WordPress Blog op mijn site.
    De rest van mijn site is geen WP.
    Ik check nu af en toe de statistics van mijn website.

    Als ik kijk naar de top pages/url dan zie ik boven aan het lijstje dit:


    157 keer bekeken.

    Maar wat is precies die link/url? Als ik er op klik kom ik nergens.

    Alvast dank voor enige uitleg.


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  • Hi there,

    sorry if I reply in English, but learning Dutch is on my todo list 🙂 What version of my plugin are you using? That file has been removed from WP SlimStat starting with version 2.9, and it’s not used anymore.


    PS: a vote for my plugin would be a nice way to say thank you!

    Thread starter GregorServais


    Hi Camu,

    thanks for the quick reply, that deserves a vote for sure! where can I do that?

    how can I find out which version I am using?


    Thread starter GregorServais


    Hi Camu,

    I’ve managed to update to the current version.

    So my initial question was:
    I also use the statistics of my “non-wp”website.
    If I look at the top “pages/url”statistics I see as number 1 for the moment:

    But what does it mean or refer to?


    Hi Gregor,

    that is the URL of the javascript listener that took care of recording the data coming from the JavaScript code added to your pages (browser’s plugins, screen resolution, outbound links, etc). That approach has been discontinued to comply with WordPress’ guidelines on the subject. You will still see that file, because it was accessed in the past, but it should disappear over time, once the new pages get more hits than that file…

    To vote go here


    and click on the stars 🙂


    Thread starter GregorServais



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