HTML-lists veranderen steeds
Als ik een list samenstel met doorlopende nummering MET bullets en tekst tussen de genummerde items op basis van mijn eigen HTML ziet de boel er netjes uit.
[zie onderstaande voorbeeld]Building your new PC is a 'step-by-step'-affair. For it to end with the 'excellent PC' you had in mind, starts with a few simple yet important basic rules that will guide you through this all. <h3>The Basics</h3> <ol> <li>Work slowly and meticulously</li> <li>Take your time</li> Slow and <strong>'Correct first time around'</strong> is the goal we want to achieve. Fixing problems 'after the fact' is usually complicated and a very slow process that is also very stressful. That's why <em>slowly but surely</em> is very much the preferred option. <li><strong>RTFM</strong>: READ the F*ing Manual[s] / instructions</li> READ the <em>INSTRUCTIONS / manual</em> <strong>BEFORE</strong> every step By that I don't mean you'll need to read the entire thing back to back. Skip the obligatory 'safety regulations etc. telling you not to not to put your parts in water etc. Just <strong>read the important bits.</strong> <li><strong>Get ALL of the required parts</strong> as mentioned in the instructions for the [next] step</li> <li><strong>'Dry fit' the part </strong>if you can</li> To make sure you 'get it right', get every part you need for the stepout of it's box / wrappings and check. See <strong>where</strong> they should fit and <em>HOW</em> they would fit. Check things like <li style="list-style-type: none"> <li style="list-style-type: none;"> <ul> <li><strong>Location</strong>: where does the part go..?</li> <li><strong>Orientation</strong>: how does it fit? You may need to turn it around to make things fit correctly!</li> </ul> <li>Place, Complete an Check</li> <h3>Carefully put the part in its place.</h3> All parts, when put in the right place, and oriented correctly will 'snap into place' sometimes with <em><strong>some</strong> </em>force but <strong>without 'forcing things into place'.</strong> When you feel the need to use a lot of force, you probably got something wrong! Check again and / or ask advice! First Complete then Check every step. Use your manual / instructions before, during and after the completion of every step. <blockquote>Get it right first time? >> Celebrate!! Spot a problem? >> Celebrate: you just saved yourself a lot of troubles!!</blockquote>
Helaas lijkt deze code steeds automatisch vanzelf te veranderen in de volgende code. daardoor klopt de boel niet meer… Ik snap niet waarom dit gebeurt!
Building your new PC is a 'step-by-step'-affair. For it to end with the 'excellent PC' you had in mind, starts with a few simple yet important basic rules that will guide you through this all. <h3>The Basics</h3> <ol> <li style="list-style-type: none"> <ol> <li>Work slowly and meticulously</li> <li>Take your time</li> </ol> </li> </ol> Slow and <strong>'Correct first time around'</strong> is the goal we want to achieve. Fixing problems 'after the fact' is usually complicated and a very slow process that is also very stressful. That's why <em>slowly but surely</em> is very much the preferred option. <ol> <li style="list-style-type: none"> <ol> <li><strong>RTFM</strong>: READ the F*ing Manual[s] / instructions</li> </ol> </li> </ol> READ the <em>INSTRUCTIONS / manual</em> <strong>BEFORE</strong> every step By that I don't mean you'll need to read the entire thing back to back. Skip the obligatory 'safety regulations etc. telling you not to not to put your parts in water etc. Just <strong>read the important bits.</strong> <ol> <li style="list-style-type: none"> <ol> <li><strong>Get ALL of the required parts</strong> as mentioned in the instructions for the [next] step</li> <li><strong>'Dry fit' the part </strong>if you can</li> </ol> </li> </ol> To make sure you 'get it right', get every part you need for the stepout of it's box / wrappings and check. See <strong>where</strong> they should fit and <em>HOW</em> they would fit. Check things like <ol> <li style="list-style-type: none"> <ol> <li style="list-style-type: none;"> <ul> <li><strong>Location</strong>: where does the part go..?</li> <li><strong>Orientation</strong>: how does it fit? You may need to turn it around to make things fit correctly!</li> </ul> </li> <li>Place, Complete an Check</li> </ol> </li> </ol> <h3>Carefully put the part in its place.</h3> All parts, when put in the right place, and oriented correctly will 'snap into place' sometimes with <em><strong>some</strong> </em>force but <strong>without 'forcing things into place'.</strong> When you feel the need to use a lot of force, you probably got something wrong! Check again and / or ask advice! First Complete then Check every step. Use your manual / instructions before, during and after the completion of every step. <blockquote>Get it right first time? >> Celebrate!! Spot a problem? >> Celebrate: you just saved yourself a lot of troubles!!</blockquote>
- WAT gebeurt er precies
- Waarom?
- Hoe kan ik dat oplossen?
Dank voor je suggesties.
WillemDe pagina waar ik hulp bij nodig heb: [log in om de link te zien]
Dit gebeurd omdat de HMTL structuur van je UL niet correct is. een ul/ol kan alleen li’s bevatten. binnen de li kan je dan wel weer elementen plaatsen.
Omdat wpkses functie automatisch paragraven om tekst heen zet en je browser met oa html5 tags automatisch sluit krijg je dit als resultaat.<ol> <li>Work slowly and meticulously</li> <li><span class="x">Take your time</span> <span>Slow and <strong>'Correct first time around'</strong> is the goal we want to achieve. Fixing problems 'after the fact' is usually complicated and a very slow process that is also very stressful. That's why <em>slowly but surely</em> is very much the preferred option.</span></li> <li><span class="x"><strong>RTFM</strong>: READ the F*ing Manual[s] / instructions</span> <span class="y">READ the <em>INSTRUCTIONS / manual</em> <strong>BEFORE</strong> every step By that I don't mean you'll need to read the entire thing back to back. Skip the obligatory 'safety regulations etc. telling you not to not to put your parts in water etc. Just <strong>read the important bits.</strong></span></li> </ol>
zal waarschijnlijk wel goed werken met wat extra css.
Als je de code door haalt met HTML5 als doctype zal de fouten in de structuur ook terug krijgen.
En de
afsluiten en weer openen met het ‘start’ attribute (offset) ook een mogelijke optie/ het proberen waard.
Heb de genoemde voorbeelden in deze pen uitgewerktHallo Richard,
Dank voor je adviezen. Ik ga ze even wat uitgebreider bestuderen.Mijn eerste reactie vwb het gebruik van de ‘start-attribute’:
Hoewel die oplossing idd werkt, lijkt dit ‘minder geschikt’. Immers als ik aanvullingen / wijzigingen aanbreng in de tabel, moet ik handmatig alle waarden van de ‘start-attribute’ handmatig aanpassen.Het nalopen en oplossen van fouten mbv de W3-validator lijkt me een excellente tip.
Ik ga eens kijken wat dat oplevert.
Dank!Hallo Richard,
Typefouten zitten ‘in een klein hoekje’.
Nalopen van alle HTML leverde storende foutjes op.
Nu loopt de boel zoals bedoeld, zonder verdere aanpassingen.
Dank voor je adviezen en tips.Opgelost!
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