Ondersteuning » Algemeen WordPress » How can I download a backup?

  • Opgelost nino91


    Dear community,

    I created a website for my client in WordPress. I have done this on a seperate domein only visible for me. So the current and live version of the website is still avalible for visitors.

    Via the control pannel of Direct admin I have managed to donwload a backup to my pc.
    But to keep it extra save I want a backup via (plugin) WordPress also. As I am not a IT specialist I looked into some Plugins and Youtube videos. All offering automatic Backup services. But I just want to download a backup of the current state of the website via WordPress and do the actual manually backupping via the hosting party. Does someone know a trick to reach my goal. Or did someone used a Plugin that you guys would recommand?

    Hope to here from you. Sorry for my bad English as I am not a native speaker.
    Thanks forwards.


    • Dit onderwerp is gewijzigd 4 jaren, 5 maanden geleden door nino91.
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