Ondersteuning » Overige » no index.php

  • im trying to change some words from english to dutch on a widget programm and i first tryed finding the index.hmtl/.php file to look inside the page if i can change it in the code,
    but allas the problmem that im running in is that when you view the page source on google chrome you can see what code needs to be changed to make the change happen on the website, but everytime i try to find that file with the code is it nowhere to be seen in the ftp server where all the files are stored.
    so my questions is how can i change the words on a widget from english to dutch without screwing up the code so my website is full dutch and not english/dutch.

    i hope im clear enough else you can ask some questions first.

    • Dit onderwerp is gewijzigd 6 jaren, 9 maanden geleden door maxximus18.
    • Dit onderwerp is gewijzigd 6 jaren, 9 maanden geleden door maxximus18.
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