easy recipe code hulp nodig
Ik gebruik op mijn website Fixing a meal de plugin Easy recipe
bij het inveoren van de recepten plaats ik op ieder recept bij Notes met de hand dit stukje script [ad code=1 align=center]
dit zorgt er voor dat onder ieder recept mijn googleadsene code komt te staan.
Mara nu zit ik dit continu met de hand te doen
dit zelfde geld voor een recept waar ik geen foto van heb
daar plak ik continu dezelfde link in naar de foto die aangeeft dat erg een andere foto is.http://www.fixingameal.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/kleinekokkie.jpg
Nu is mijn vraag wie kan iets fiksen dat ik dat niet steeds zelf handmatig er in hoef te plakken. Het zou mij heel veel tijd schelen bij het invoeren van een kleine 50.000 recepten
Ik heb zelf geen programeer kennis helaas
Als iets vast onderdeel uitmaakt van je opbouw, kun je dit opnemen in het php-bestand dat voor de opmaak verantwoordelijk is, waarschijnlijk het bestand template.php (? of bv easyrecipe-template.php). Als je hier doorheen kijkt, zie je op gegeven moment code staan die de notes plaatst. Hier zou je adsense code achter kunnen plakken (niet de genoemde shortcode, maar de code die je uit je google-account kunt halen).
In datzelfde bestand staat waarschijnlijk ook de code voor de afbeelding. Dit is wat moeilijker om aan te geven dat je de genoemde afbeelding wilt hebben, tenzij je een afbeelding in het recept opneemt. Dit moet een if / else formulering worden, maar hoe precies, dat hangt af van de code die easy recipe hanteert. Kun je dit achterhalen?
LianneHoi Lianne, ik ben een nitwith wat dit betreft ik heb geprobeerd het et vinden maar het is echt MAGIC waar je het over hebt.
Ik zou niet weten hoe ik dit moet fiksenhet voordeel van deze shortcode voor de adsense is dat ik hem op 1 plek kan aanpassen
dat is dus wel noodzakelijk, ik heb in d etempalet van east recept eggeken maar snap er echt geen snars van.Dit is wat er staat in de template php
* Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Box Hill LLC
* All Rights Reserved
* No part of this software may be reproduced, copied, modified or adapted, without the prior written consent of Box Hill LLC.
* Commercial use and distribution of any part of this software is not allowed without express and prior written consent of Box Hill LLC.
*//** @noinspection PhpInconsistentReturnPointsInspection */
class EasyRecipePlusTemplate {
const TEXT = 1;
const PAGE = 2;
const FILE = 3;
const INCLUDEIF = 4;
const STARTSTRIP = 5;
private $inText;
private $opText;
private $delimiter = ‘#’;
private static $translate = false;
private static $textDomain = ”;/**
* @var array Whitespace strip positions in the output string
* +ve is a start position and -ve is an end position
private $stripWhitespace = array();/**
* Process a template file or text doing variable replacements and repeated elements
* @param string $file
* @param int $type
function __construct($file = ”, $type = self::PAGE) {
if ($file == ”) {
$this->inText = ”;
* Figure out what sort of input we have
* DOS line endings are converted to UNIX
switch ($type) {
* TEXT is just a string
case self::TEXT :
$this->inText = $file;
* FILE is a text file
case self::FILE :
$this->inText = @file_get_contents($file);
if ($this->inText === false) {
trigger_error(“Can’t open file: ‘$file'”, E_USER_NOTICE);
$this->inText = ”;
* PAGE is a V4 template file which should have <!– START PAGE –> and <!– END PAGE –> lines
case self::PAGE :
$page = @file_get_contents($file);
if ($page === false) {
trigger_error(“Can’t open page: ‘$file'”, E_USER_NOTICE);
$this->inText = ”;
* Figure out where the start and end of the page is
*/$startPage = ‘<!– START PAGE –>’;
$endPage = ‘<!– END PAGE –>’;
$startPosition = strpos($page, $startPage);
if ($startPosition === false) {
trigger_error(“START PAGE not found in $file”, E_USER_NOTICE);
$endPosition = strpos($page, $endPage);
if ($endPosition === false) {
trigger_error(“END PAGE not found in $file”, E_USER_NOTICE);
$startPosition += strlen($startPage);
$page = substr($page, $startPosition, $endPosition – $startPosition);
* Remove anything between <!– START IGNORE –> and <!– END IGNORE –>
$startIgnore = ‘<!– START IGNORE –>’;
$endIgnore = ‘<!– END IGNORE –>’;
$endIgnoreLength = strlen($endIgnore);
while (($startPosition = strpos($page, $startIgnore)) !== false) {
$endPosition = strpos($page, $endIgnore);
if ($endPosition === false) {
trigger_error(“END IGNORE not found in $file”, E_USER_NOTICE);
$page = substr($page, 0, $startPosition) . substr($page, $endPosition + $endIgnoreLength);
}$this->inText = $page;
* Normalize up line breaks
$this->inText = str_replace(“\r\n”, “\n”, $this->inText);
$this->inText = str_replace(“\r”, “\n”, $this->inText);
}static function setTranslate($textDomain) {
self::$translate = true;
self::$textDomain = $textDomain;
* A simple non-significant whitespace remover
* @param $html
* @param $options
* @return string
private function cleanWhitespace($html, $options) {
if (($options & self::PRESERVECOMMENTS) == 0) {
$html = preg_replace(‘/<!– .*? –>/’, ”, $html);
if (($options & self::PRESERVEWHITESPACE) == 0) {
$lines = explode(“\n”, $html);
$html = ”;
foreach ($lines as $line) {
if (($trimmed = trim($line)) != ”) {
$html .= “$trimmed “;
return $html;
}function getTemplateHTML($options = 0) {
return $this->cleanWhitespace($this->inText, $options);
* Process the template text
* @param null $data
* @param int $options
* @return mixed|string
function replace($data = null, $options = 0) {
* If we have replacements, pre-process the template and remove conditionally INCLUDEd stuff
if ($data === null) {
$data = new stdClass();
}$currentPosition = 0;
$this->opText = ”;
$inText = $this->inText;
$firstType = null;
* We return from within this loop when we have nothing left to process
while (true) {
* Look for stuff to replace and find the first of them
$firstPosition = strlen($inText);
$varPosition = strpos($inText, $this->delimiter, $currentPosition);
if ($varPosition !== false) {
$firstPosition = $varPosition;
$firstType = self::VARIABLEREPLACE;
$repeatPosition = strpos($inText, ‘<!– START REPEAT ‘, $currentPosition);
if ($repeatPosition !== false && $repeatPosition < $firstPosition) {
$firstPosition = $repeatPosition;
$firstType = self::REPEATREPLACE;
}$includeifPosition = strpos($inText, ‘<!– START INCLUDEIF ‘, $currentPosition);
if ($includeifPosition !== false && $includeifPosition < $firstPosition) {
$firstPosition = $includeifPosition;
$firstType = self::INCLUDEIF;
}$startStripPosition = strpos($inText, ‘<!– START STRIP WHITESPACE ‘, $currentPosition);
if ($startStripPosition !== false && $startStripPosition < $firstPosition) {
$firstPosition = $startStripPosition;
$firstType = self::STARTSTRIP;
}$endStripPosition = strpos($inText, ‘<!– END STRIP WHITESPACE ‘, $currentPosition);
if ($endStripPosition !== false && $endStripPosition < $firstPosition) {
$firstPosition = $endStripPosition;
$firstType = self::ENDSTRIP;
* If there’s nothing to do, just return what we’ve got
if ($firstPosition == strlen($inText)) {
* Copy any remaining input over to the output
$this->opText .= substr($inText, $currentPosition);/*
* If there’s any block to whitespace strip, do it
* Tidy up the start/stop positions first to make it easy to process
* This allows overlapping and unterminated stip blocks
if (count($this->stripWhitespace) > 0) {
$stripBlocks = array();
$startPosition = -1;
foreach ($this->stripWhitespace as $position) {
* End strip?
if ($position < 0) {
* If there’s no previous unterminated START STRIP, ignore this END
if ($startPosition == -1) {
$stripBlocks[] = array($startPosition, abs($position));
$startPosition = -1;
} else {
* If there’s a previous unterminated START STRIP, ignore this one
if ($startPosition != -1) {
$startPosition = $position;
* Allow for a missing END STRIP
if ($startPosition != -1) {
$stripBlocks[] = array($startPosition, strlen($this->opText));
* Actually strip out whitespace in the strip blocks
$currentPosition = 0;
$strippedText = ”;
foreach ($stripBlocks as $stripBlock) {
$strippedText .= substr($this->opText, $currentPosition, $stripBlock[0] – $currentPosition);
$text = substr($this->opText, $stripBlock[0], $stripBlock[1] – $stripBlock[0]);
$text = preg_replace(‘/>\s+</’, ‘><‘, $text);
$strippedText .= trim($text);
$currentPosition = $stripBlock[1];
$strippedText .= substr($this->opText, $currentPosition, strlen($this->opText) – $currentPosition);$this->opText = $strippedText;
* If we aren’t translating, then just (optionally) clean up whitespace and return
if (!self::$translate || !class_exists(‘EasyRecipePlusDOMDocument’)) {
return $this->cleanWhitespace($this->opText, $options);
$doc = new EasyRecipePlusDOMDocument($this->opText, true);
if (!$doc) {
return $this->opText;
}$xlates = $doc->getElementsByClassName(‘xlate’);
if (count($xlates) == 0) {
return $this->cleanWhitespace($this->opText, $options);
}// FIXME – use gettext if no __
foreach ($xlates as $xlate) {
$original = $doc->innerHTML($xlate);
$translation = __($original, self::$textDomain);
if ($translation != $original) {
$xlate->nodeValue = $translation;
$html = $doc->getHTML(true);
return $this->cleanWhitespace($html, $options);
* Copy over everything up to the first thing we need to process
$length = $firstPosition – $currentPosition;
$this->opText .= substr($inText, $currentPosition, $length);
$currentPosition = $firstPosition;
* Get the thing to be replaced
switch ($firstType) {
* INCLUDEIF includes the code up to the matching END INCLUDEIF:
* IF the condition variable exists and it’s not false or null
case self::INCLUDEIF :
* Get the conditional.
* Only check a smallish substring for efficiency
* This limits include condition names to 20 characters
$subString = substr($inText, $currentPosition, 60);if (preg_match(‘/<!– START INCLUDEIF (!?)([_a-z][_0-9a-z]{0,31}) –>/i’, $subString, $regs)) {
$negate = $regs[1];
$trueFalse = $negate != ‘!’;
$includeCondition = $regs[2];
} else {
trigger_error(“Malformed START INCLUDEIF at $currentPosition ($subString)”, E_USER_NOTICE);
$this->opText .= “<“;
$endInclude = “<!– END INCLUDEIF $negate$includeCondition –>”;$endIncludeLength = strlen($endInclude);
$endPosition = strpos($inText, $endInclude);
if ($endPosition == false) {
trigger_error(htmlspecialchars(“‘$endInclude'”) . ” not found”, E_USER_NOTICE);
$this->opText .= “<“;
* If the condition is met, just remove the INCLUDEIF comments
* If the condition isn’t met, remove everything up to the END INCLUDEIF
* The condition must be present, and NOT false or NULL
$condition = isset($data->$includeCondition) && $data->$includeCondition !== false && $data->$includeCondition !== null;if ($condition === $trueFalse) {
$startInclude = “<!– START INCLUDEIF $negate$includeCondition –>”;
$startIncludeLength = strlen($startInclude);
$inText = substr($inText, 0, $currentPosition) . substr($inText, $currentPosition + $startIncludeLength, $endPosition – $currentPosition – $startIncludeLength) . substr($inText, $endPosition + $endIncludeLength);
} else {
$inText = substr($inText, 0, $currentPosition) . substr($inText, $endPosition + $endIncludeLength);
* Remove whitespace between tags.
* Useful to remove unwanted significant HTML whitespace that may have been introduced by auto formatting the source template
case self::STARTSTRIP :
$currentPosition += 31;
$this->stripWhitespace[] = strlen($this->opText);break;
* Save the output position at which to stop stripping. -ve indicates that it’s an end position
case self::ENDSTRIP :
$currentPosition += 29;
$this->stripWhitespace[] = -strlen($this->opText);
* A variable is a valid PHP variable name (limited to 20 chars) between delimiters
* If we don’t find a valid name, copy over the delimiter and continue
* FIXME – fall back to caller’s vars if it doesn’t exist
$s = substr($inText, $currentPosition, 34);
if (!preg_match(“/^$this->delimiter([_a-z][_0-9a-z]{0,31})$this->delimiter/si”, $s, $regs)) {
$this->opText .= $this->delimiter;
* If we don’t have a match for the variable, just assume it’s not what we wanted to do
* so put the string we matched back into the output and continue from the trailing delimiter
$varName = $regs[1];
if (!isset($data->$varName)) {
$this->opText .= $this->delimiter . $varName;
$currentPosition += strlen($varName) + 1;
* Got a match – replace the <delimiter>…<delimiter> with the vars stuff
* We *could* pass this on for recursive processing, but it’s not something we would normally want to do
* Maybe have a special naming convention for vars we want to do recursively?
$this->opText .= $data->$varName;
$currentPosition += strlen($varName) + 2;
* We’ve seen a start repeat.
* Find the name of the repeat (limited to 20 chars)
* If we can’t find the name, assume it’s not what we want and continue
* Look for a valid START REPEAT in the next 45 characters
case self::REPEATREPLACE :
$s = substr($inText, $currentPosition, 45);
if (!preg_match(‘/<!– START REPEAT ([_a-zA-Z][_0-9a-zA-Z]{0,19}) –>/m’, $s, $regs)) {
$this->opText .= ‘<‘;
$rptName = $regs[1];
* Make sure we have a matching key and it’s an array
if (!isset($data->$rptName) || !is_array($data->$rptName)) {
$this->opText .= ‘<‘;
* Now try to find the end of this repeat
$currentPosition += strlen($rptName) + 22;
$rptEnd = strpos($inText, “<!– END REPEAT $rptName –>”, $currentPosition);
if ($rptEnd === false) {
$this->opText .= ‘<!– START REPEAT $rptName –>’;
trigger_error(“END REPEAT not found for $rptName”, E_USER_NOTICE);
* Do the repeat processing.
* For each item in the repeated array, process as a new template
$rptLength = $rptEnd – $currentPosition;
$rptString = substr($inText, $currentPosition, $rptLength);
$rptVars = $data->$rptName;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($rptVars); $i++) {
$saveTranslate = self::$translate;
self::$translate = false;
$rpt = new EasyRecipePlusTemplate($rptString, self::TEXT, $this->delimiter);
$this->opText .= $rpt->replace($rptVars[$i], $options);
self::$translate = $saveTranslate;
* Step over the end repeat
$currentPosition += strlen($rptName) + $rptLength + 20;
return ”;
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