• Hi All,

    I’m experiencing some FOUC (flash-of-unstyled-content) with the second-menu on my page http://www.salonivon.nl/webshop.
    The second menu is made by the plugin AP Mega Menu. It loads the descriptions of each category in a split second, in which it disappears using display: none CSS.

    Is there any way to hide the class “wpmm-target-description wpmm-target-text” without CSS, as this loads after javascript etc?

    Thanks in advance,


1 reactie aan het bekijken (van in totaal 1)
  • Ah, you mean the menu loads over the image and than is getting placed below the image? You could consider a simple preloader wich solves this problem.

    If you do not want this, you can set a fixed height on the header part with css. Just make sure you load this inline (inside your template, not via an external css file).

        #customizr-slider-1.parallax-wrapper { height: 300px; }

    Place this code in the header.php of your theme, right after </head>. Don’t know if it will work but you can try 😉

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  • Het onderwerp ‘Disable class by php?- avoid FOUC’ is gesloten voor nieuwe reacties.