• Step Three

    Now that the template files are in the correct location, click through your site (you can come back to this page at any point). You should see a BuddyPress admin bar at the top of the page, try visiting some of the links in the “My Account” menu. You should find that BuddyPress pages now work and are displayed.

    If you find that the pages are not quite aligned correctly, or the content is overlapping the sidebar, you will need to tweak the template HTML. Please follow the “fixing alignment” instructions below. If the content in your pages is aligned in the correct place then you can skip to the “Finishing Up” section at the bottom of this page.
    Fixing Alignment

    By default BuddyPress templates use this HTML structure:


    <div id=”container”>
    <div id=”content”>

    <div id=”sidebar”>


    If BuddyPress pages are not aligned correctly then you will need to modify some of the templates to match your theme’s HTML structure. The best way to do this is to FTP to your theme’s files at:


    Then open up the page.php file (if this does not exist use index.php). Make note of the HTML template structure of the file, specifically the <div> tags that surround the content and sidebar.

    You will need to change the HTML structure in the BuddyPress templates that you copied into your theme to match the structure in your page.php or index.php file. The files that you need to edit are as follows (leave out any folders you have not copied over in step two):

    * /activity/index.php
    * /blogs/index.php
    * /forums/index.php
    * /groups/index.php
    * /groups/create.php
    * /groups/single/home.php
    * /groups/single/plugins.php
    * /members/index.php
    * /members/single/home.php
    * /members/single/plugins.php
    * /registration/register.php

    Once you are done matching up the HTML structure of your theme in these template files, please take another look through your site. You should find that BuddyPress pages now fit inside the content structure of your theme.
    Finishing Up

    You’re now all done with the conversion process. Your WordPress theme will now happily provide BuddyPress compatibility support. Once you hit the finish button you will be presented with a new permanent theme options page allowing you to tweak some settings.

    ik snap hier niets van. hoe moet ik mijn website nauw buddypress compatibel maken?

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