• Hallo

    Ik kreeg net een melding van Seo King dat mijn website 2 canonical links vertoont, dus gelijk gekeken en inderdaad.

    Nu weet ik niet of het goed of fout is, ik gebruik All in one Seo plugin, en daar heb ik de Canonical aangevinkt.

    Is het gewoon normaal dat ik in de paginabron 2 canonicals zie, of moet ik de canonical in All in one seo uitschakelen, omdat mijn thema, of wordpress er zelf al automatisch een canonical link inzet.

    Heb net geprobeerd de canonical in All in one uit te zetten, en dan heb ik inderdaad maar één canonical link.

    Maar weet nu niet meer of het goed of fout is.

    Alvast bedankt

    De pagina waar ik hulp bij nodig heb: [log in om de link te zien]

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  • I suspect one is being added by your theme. You can test this by switching to the default WordPress theme and checking if there is only one.

    Alternatively, you can disable AIOSEOP’s canonical URL by unchecking the option. https://semperplugins.com/documentation/general-settings/#canonical-urls

    Thread starter trouwen-bruiloft


    Hello thankx for your response.
    Did you check it. with ctrl U and F, is it really that the theme make a canonical url?

    I saw by one canonical link addtoany, so I disactivate this plugin.

    Sorry for my bad english

    Thankx a lot margaret

    Thread starter trouwen-bruiloft


    I disallow the canonical in all in one seo, now it seems to be good.
    So the theme Zakra, makes a canonical link. very good off caurse, but two canonicals is not good.

    I never now before, that a theme makes a cononical in a site!

    That is something a theme should not be doing. I’d recommend to use a better theme.

    Thread starter trouwen-bruiloft


    Or maybe its a fault from YOAST. I installed YOAST, but later I prefer All in one Seo.
    Maybe Yoast make this links or fault, I don’t now, but the Zakra theme is a very populair theme.

    Before i work with dreamweaver, Its better because you have the controle.
    I have also another site witth 2000 pages, all in html.
    But i don’t think i’m gonne take wordpress again. Its not so friendly to use.

    But thanks for you response.


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