Deze plugin is gesloten sinds 3 november 2020 en is niet beschikbaar om te downloaden. Deze sluiting is permanent. Reden: Auteurverzoek.
19 juli 2020
Sehr Schlecht Funktioniert nicht keine empfehlung
13 mei 2020
works well
fully customizable (text) with many options to include/exclude pre-built shortcodes
no frequency/trigger configuration (if you want after 3 days, you can’t without plugin code alteration)
the links in the mail don’t go to the review section in the product page, they go just to the product page (right now I’m hard-coding #tab-review so it will have this functionallity
Besides these, it’s a good solid starting point for people who want basic review reminders, low memory footprint on the website.
27 april 2020
This is a great plugin but logs are required. Just create another page and export ywrr_email_schedule table so we know what is going on.
16 juli 2019
i use the premium version
7 maart 2019
Not Working and No Control.
7 maart 2017
I have had this activated. I even did the test email successfully so I have ot set up correctly. However I have not gotten any new reviews from it. I sell a good amount of volume and to not have at least 1 person leave a review is not normal. Shows that something is wrong with this plugin
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“YITH WooCommerce Review Reminder” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.
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