

Deze plugin is gesloten sinds 7 december 2021 en is niet beschikbaar om te downloaden. Deze sluiting is permanent. Reden: Auteurverzoek.


6 mei 2019 1 reactie
I’ve run a wordpress based web development business for 8 years, and I am shocked at the behavior of this plugin maker. They state that they have a 30 day complete refund/satisfaction policy, but they will not honor it if you buy their subscription and cancel within 30 days. Customer service will not budge, and they would rather keep your one time subscription fee of $229 dollars than bet that their product is good enough to bring you back. I have found WordPress plugin developers to be very fair, and always honor any initial 30 day satisfaction guarantee. It was my mistake to believe they would honor their own policy: “If you believe that buying a product was not the right decision and you think that the product you have purchased is not the most suitable for your needs, we want to make things right. Within 30 days of purchase, YITH will reimburse the full price paid on request.” It wish I had about WooCommerce “Product Vendors” when I made thought YITH would be a good idea… Product Vendors is cheaper plugin that does the same thing, and a much more honorable vendor!
2 juli 2018 1 reactie
Installed and activated and my site broke with some error. I had to manually delete the plugin via ftp to get my site working again.
19 september 2016 1 reactie
Hello, when customer completes an order he receives in email vendor ID, id like to hide this info in customer email, how to do that?
3 september 2016 1 reactie
Although an interesting plugin it has a major flaw that the programmers address haphazardly by providing a php-snipped the site’s designer has to add himself. In my case that resolution did not work. Fact is that once installed, the plugin blocks users with author and editor roles to post or edit other posts types except products. Should you have set up a site where the author is allowed to post news, stories, galleries, events or the like, that this plugin is a bad choice. It hinders legitimate use of your wordpres site for all roles but admin. Mind you, that this is for the free version, but based on this I cannot consider buying the full version at US$ 99
3 september 2016
I needed a Marketplace plugin for WordPress. I looked at many options and even bought and returned one. However, when I came across YITH and tried the product, it simply worked. And when I needed some assistance support has been superior. Nice plugin guys…keep up the great work
3 september 2016
I’ve switched from the product vendors to this plugin, it really satisfied my needed completely. Thanks for the plugin
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“YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.


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