Monitors your WordPress installation for core, plugin and theme updates and emails you when they are available. This plugin is ideal if you don’t login to your WordPress admin regularly or you support a client’s website.
- Set the interval of how often to check for updates; hourly, twice daily or daily.
- Sets WordPress to check for updates more often meaning you get to know about updates sooner.
- Get emailed about core, plugin and theme updates.
- Chose if you want to be notified about active only themes and plugins updates.
- Remove upgrade nag message to non-admin users.
- For advanced users there are a number of filters and actions you can use. More coming soon.
Deze plugin is een Fork van Update Notifier. De plugin was overgenomen, omdat de andere plugin geen updates meer ontving. Er is geprobeerd contact te leggen met de oude ontwikkelaar om te praten over de rechten helaas is hier niet op gereageerd. De volgende updates zijn toe gevoegt aan WP Updates Notifier:
- Completely rewritten from the ground up using best practises for writing WordPress plugins
- Code wrapped in a class so better namespace.
- You can set the cron interval, allowing for more frequent checks.
- Update checks trigger WordPress internal update check before notification.
- Allows you to set the ‘from address’.
- Allows you to set multiple ’to addresses’.
- Makes use of the Settings API.
- A number of available hooks and filters for advanced users.
- Active support and development.
- Frans door Christophe Catarina – toegevoegd 03 juli 2013
- Duits door Alexander Pfabel – toegevoegt 02 october 2012
Twee filters zijn toegevoegd om het onderwerp en inhoud van de e-mail te filteren die verzonden worden door WP Updates Notifier.
$email_subject – Het onderwerp van de e-mail om op te filteren.
* Alter the email subject being sent by WP Updates Notifier
function alter_wp_updates_notifier_email_subject( $email_subject ) {
$email_subject = 'This is the new email subject for updates notifier';
return $email_subject;
add_filter( 'sc_wpun_email_subject', 'alter_wp_updates_notifier_email_subject' );
$message – De inhoud van de e-mail om te filteren
* Alter the email content being sent by WP Updates Notifier
function alter_wp_updates_notifier_email_content( $message ) {
$message = 'This is our new email content that will override the default.';
return $message;
add_filter( 'sc_wpun_email_content', 'alter_wp_updates_notifier_email_content' );
- Pak de plugin uit en upload de inhoud in de plugins folder op de webserver. (normaliter wp-content/plugins/)
- Plugin activeren
- Ga naar instellingen pagina onder Instellingen -> WP Updates monitor in je WordPress beheer gebied
- Configureer plugin instellingen
- Wacht op een e-mail bericht van updates
Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars
“WP Updates Notifier” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.
Bijdragers“WP Updates Notifier” is vertaald in 6 talen. Dank voor de vertalers voor hun bijdragen.
Vertaal “WP Updates Notifier” naar jouw taal.
Interesse in ontwikkeling?
Bekijk de code, haal de SVN repository op, of abonneer je op het ontwikkellog via RSS.
- Added slack notifications and testing button
- Separated notifications so they can be email, slack, or both
- Reorganized settings page
- Changed validation to not turn on notifications for email or slack unless required fields are valid
- Test email or slack message are now triggered with a temporary transient
- Removed javascript functions
- Removed ability to trigger with external cron job (a potential security risk)
- Bring up to WordPress coding standards
- PHPCS ruleset
- Travis testing
- Base for unit testing
- Avoid PHP Strict notices
- PHP 7 compatibility
- Minor cleanup on some internal code
- Repaired all PHP errors being thrown
- Two new filters added to allow you to alter the email content (sc_wpun_email_subject, sc_wpun_email_content – see readme.txt for examples)
- Added an option that allows the plugin to notify the provided email about WordPress core automatic updates.
- Switch from using site_url() to home_url() in email subject line so not to link to a 404 page.
- Added external cron method allowing users check for updates as often or as little as they want
- Added sc_wpun_get_options_filter and sc_wpun_put_options_filter filters to allow filtering of this plugins settings
- Now using wp_get_schedules() rather than statically assigned schedules. This allows admins to set their own schedules such as a weekly one
- Added French translations
- Added date and time of when this plugin last did an update check on the settings screen
- Added $wp_version globals ( Explains why WordPress Core Updates notifications haven’t been working )
- Added missed variable $cur_wp_version
- Fixed PHP Fatal error on line 175.
- Added send test email functionality in settings page.
- Fixed
Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated
PHP errors.
- Added the ability to allow multiple email address to be added to the
notify to
setting. Multiple email addresses to be comma separated. - Removed code from last version that was left in from dev. Caused WP to check for update on every admin page load.
- Plugin update notification email now includes links to new plugin description and changelog page.
- Plugin update notification email now shows compatibility of a new plugin. This is same functionality that appears in the WP update area.
- On plugin activation the first update check is scheduled to run an hour after rather than straight away. This stops current awaiting updates being sent to admin email before you’ve had chance to change the email settings.
- Fixed code to not report multiple times of core upgrades. Plugin now only notifies you once of core upgrade until upgrade is done.
- When plugin was deactivated then reactivated the cron was not rescheduled unless the settings were saved. This has now been fixed.
- Fixed plugin version
- Fixed spelling mistake in deactivate hook that stopped deactivate running properly.
- Eerste release