Deze plugin is niet getest met de laatste 3 grotere versies van WordPress. Mogelijk wordt het niet meer onderhouden of ondersteund. Ook kunnen er compatibiliteitsproblemen ontstaan wanneer het wordt gebruikt met recentere versies van WordPress.

Thumbnails like in Drupal


Take some thumbnail type (called here as preset) and cast available image effects on it to get expected size or view.

With this plugin you can:

  • change exists preset or create new one.
  • on upload image create only enabled preset thumbnails
  • disable unused presets
  • remove disabled or extra/trash thumbnails images
  • regenerate any preset thumbnail images (after change preset as ex.)

For each preset you can cast any of available effects to change thumbnail sizes or just desaturate it or something else..


  • Main plugin page with all presets list, it effects and actions
  • Preset edit page. You can see thumbnail preview, all effects casted to preset and preset actions
  • Scale and crop effect parameters window


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/wp-drupal-imagecache directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
  3. Go to plugin settings page and tune your presets and thumbnails

After enabling plugin, it create image in image library. It image critical needed for plugin for preview changes. Please do not remove it.


Why I got problem after using plugin

Please note that main system preset large used as default when include in Gutenberg editor.
So if you disable large and delete all unused thumbnail your page can got broken image!
It that case just enable large and regenerate it thumbnails.

If I remove plugin image for preview by mistake

Just deactivate and activate plugin again. It create that image again.

How to add custom effects to plugin effects list

  1. Use filter wpdi_get_available_effects to add or remove effect from effects list
  2. Extend WPDI_Effects_Imagick and/or WPDI_Effects_GD plugin classes if you want to add custom effect
  3. Use wp_image_editors to replace plugin handlers with created in #2
  4. Use wpdi_make_preset_effect for set handler function name (optional), handle function with effect name by default
  5. Use wpdi_build_preset_effect for describe effect in presets linst (optional)

ps: You should use priority greater then in plugin (WPDI_Common::PLUGIN_HOOK_PRIORITY);


8 oktober 2020 1 reactie
I’m a drupal developer and i like this module. Its really looks like a drupal image style with image effects. Big thumbs up for the developer of this module. Hope to enhance and improve this in the future.
Lees 1 beoordeling

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  • Basic functionality released.


  • Fix check for gd/imagick php extension. Now you can use plugin with only imagick or gd extension enabled


  • Add round corners image effect
  • Add flip & flop (reflect) image effect


  • Fix errors
  • Check 6.2 support


  • Fix errors