Deze plugin is gesloten sinds 28 oktober 2024 en is niet beschikbaar om te downloaden. Reden: Beveiligingsrisico.
12 augustus 2020
14 februari 2020
I successfully activated it in my WP website without spending too much time
5 september 2018
作者居然懒得提供一个对话框给你填百度地图 ak 码。 你必须去后台文件系统去编辑源码。
然后,你居然还得自己想办法去找目的地经纬度值,他也不告诉你到哪里去找,找到后再人工填写到一个冗长繁琐的表格里去,包括你的姓名,地址,电邮,电话等等。 what the hell???
Compared with many other plugins for Google maps, this plugin is extremely difficult to use, seems half baked and amateurish. Needs lots of improvement!
6 augustus 2018
I can not thank you enough!
21 februari 2018
1 reactie
20 november 2017
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