One Click Upsell Funnel for WooCommerce plugin allows the merchants to create post-purchase upsell and cross-sell offers. Customers can add these upsell products in just 1 click to their cart with no hassle of re-entering the payment details. It is a complete solution for building one-click upsell funnels for WooCommerce as it facilitates creating, testing, and maintaining post-purchase / aftersell funnels.
Our plugin is compatible with Divi Theme and Elementor Page Builder, allowing you to create seamless upsell funnels with advanced designs.
Create unlimited upsell for woocommerce offers using the WooCommerce upsell plugin, and examine a track report for each sales funnel. Additionally, you may use pre-made templates to easily set up and provide upsell for WooCommerce on your online store. Encourage customers to purchase more!
WooCommerce Upsell Demo | Documentation | Contact Us
1) Create Order Bump Offers: The Upsell Funnel plugin allows you to create Order Bump Offers directly from the funnel lists. This can be helpful in managing your upsell and order bump operations together.
2) Pop-Up on Exit Intent: Using the WooCommerce Upsell Plugin you can enable the pop-up on exit intent feature, allowing you to show a pop-up on upsell offer pages when a customer tries to exit the browser, this can be an ultimate upselling hack for your business.
3) Onbeperkt aantal funnels met een onbeperkt aantal aanbiedingen: met de WordPress Sales Funnel plugin kun je onbeperkt verkoop funnels maken met een willekeurig aantal Upsell en Cross-Sell aanbiedingen. Toon je klanten meerdere aanbiedingen na aankoop of aftersell in één verkoop funnel, wat de impulsieve aankopen, gemiddelde orderwaarde en omzet van je winkel verhoogt.
4) Add the Shipping Price on COD One Click Upsells: Our free click funnel plugin allows you to set the shipping price for the cash-on-delivery payment method for upsell offers. This allows you to cover operational costs for delivering the COD upsell products and maintain your profits.
5) Generate Reports for Upsell Funnel Tracking: The WooCommerce post-purchase upsell plugin renders funnel reports that include trigger frequency, accepted & rejected offers, conversion rates, overall sales, etc. This information emphasizes the preferences of customers for particular WordPress funnels. Moreover, using both Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel, you can also track WooCommerce upsell
6) Global Funnels: Create global one-click funnels that trigger independently without needing target products. You can use the universal WooCommerce one-click upsell to show offers to your customers every time they purchase in your online store.
7) Smart Offer Upgrade: The Smart Offer Upgrade feature replaces the existing product (customer is buying) with the offer product as soon as they accept the WooCommerce upsell offer. This intelligent feature removes manual work and makes switching to upsell products seamless.
8) Exclusive Offer Feature: The upsell sales funnel builder creates exclusive offers for the customers, which will be shown to customers only once based on the order email. Such one-click upsell offers garner higher conversion rates.
9) Test product upsell aanbiedingen in Sandbox modus: in de Sandbox modus wordt de upsell funnel bouwer alleen geactiveerd voor de beheerder en niet voor live klanten. Dit stelt winkel eigenaren in staat om hun upsell funnel aanbiedingen vrij te bekijken, testen en aan te passen voordat ze live gaan.
10) Page Builder Support to Build Responsive Upsell Offer Pages: Build the one-click upsell funnel for WooCommerce with Elementor Page Builder and other top builders available on WordPress. Our plugin allows you to easily create and customize your upsell offer pages without coding knowledge.
11) Shortcodes om handige aanbiedingspagina elementen te bouwen: deze WordPress upsell plugin biedt verschillende shortcodes om verschillende elementen voor aanbiedingspagina’s te creëren. De plugin biedt shortcodes voor Nu Kopen, Nee bedankt, Producttitel, Beschrijving, Korte beschrijving, Afbeelding, Prijs, Varianten, Aanbiedingshoeveelheid en Urgentie timer.
12) Ability to Simplify The Buying Process: Streamline your purchase process with additional products that customers can buy with one click checkout, without re-entering their payment details. These 1 click-upsell deals minimize churn, improve the shopping experience, and speed up the checkout process.
Visit One Click Upsell Funnel for WooCommerce Documentation Documentation and learn more about the features and workings of the plugin.
With One-Click Upsell Funnel For WooCommerce Plugin, You Can
- Create unlimited WordPress funnels with an unlimited number of WooCommerce upselling and cross-selling offers.
- Ontvang een uitgebreid tracking rapport voor elke uitverkoop funnel.
- Houd je upsell funnel gegevens bij op Google Analytics en Facebook Pixel.
- Maak globale woofunnels die triggeren ongeacht welk product of categorie.
- Offer an upgrade of the existing product in the cart
- Show exclusive product upsell offers based on the order email.
- Display intelligently upsell offers if a customer skips the first funnel for a specific product in the purchase.
- View and edit your WooCommerce upsell funnels in sandbox mode.
- Offer upsell products in different ways with 3 pre-defined and fully customizable offer templates.
- Link your custom WooCommerce upsell offer page in the free funnel builder.
- Gebruik vooraf gedefinieerde shortcodes om aanbiedingspagina-elementen te maken.
- Maak volledig aanpasbare upsell aanbiedingspagina’s zonder enige codeervaardigheden.
- Bouw responsive en productspecifieke pagina’s met aanbiedingen.
1) Compatibility with Upsell Order Bump Offer For WooCommerce Free and Upsell Order Bump Offer For WooCommerce Pro
2) Compatibility with Subscriptions For WooCommerce,
3) Compatibility with Currency Switcher Professional for WooCommerce
4) Compatibility with WooCommerce HPOS
5) Compatibility With Multiple Payment Gateways WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway, WooCommerce PayPal Payments, Mollie Payments, Square, and more.
Also, we can do customization for our users to add other payment gateways.
- Customize Checkout and Thank You Page Fields
- Fully Customizable and highly Converting Sales Funnel Kit Templates
- Variabele producten
- Abonnementsproducten
- Bundled Products
- Op categorie gebaseerde aanbiedingen
- Meerdere betalingsgateways
- Premium ondersteuning
- Frequently Bought Offers
- A/b Testing
Take Advantage of the Exclusive Features of the One Click Upsell Funnel For WooCommerce Pro Plugin
The One Click Upsell Funnel For WooCommerce Pro plugin, is designed to help merchants create exclusive post-purchase upsell offers in WooCommerce. It allows you to create unlimited one-click upsell, cross-sell, down-sell, one-time offers, sales funnels, and exclusive customized offers. It also offers features like A/B testing to test offers effectiveness, mobile responsive templates, and the option to build custom templates from scratch.
See what Tramabianca is saying about the WooCommerce Upsell Plugin:
We saw an instantaneous increase in their order value after they utilized the One Click Upsell plugin by WP Swings. See WooCommerce Upsell Case Study
If you need support or have questions, kindly use our online chat window here and discover all types of WooCommerce Extensions for your eCommerce store.
Automatische installatie
Automatic installation is the easiest option handled by WordPress. Follow these steps for automatic installation:
Type “One-Click Upsell For WooCommerce” and hit on Search Plugins. Once you find ‘One-Click Upsell For WooCommerce’ by WP Swings you can view the details about it such as the point release, rating, and description. One can install it, simply by clicking “Install Now”.
Handmatige installatie
Manual installation of the plugin is another option to install the plugin in the seller’s WordPress environment.
The manual installation method involves downloading our One-Click Upsell For WooCommerce Extension and uploading it to the web server via their favorite FTP application. The steps for manual installation are as follows:
1) Upload the One-Click Upsell For WooCommerce folder to the /WP-content/plugins/ directory.
2) Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
Ik heb een upsell plugin geïnstalleerd, funnels gemaakt en ook de aanbiedingen toegevoegd, maar toch verschijnt deze niet bij het kopen van de funnel doelen.
If the upsell offers are not showing, make sure the:
1) You’ve enabled the One-Click Upsell funnel plugin. Navigate to Global Settings and enable the plugin if it is disabled.
2) Your funnel is not in Sandbox Mode. If it is, edit the funnel and make it Live, and Save Changes.
3) You are testing for the correct target product or category you’ve set in the funnel builder.
4) The offer page is published.
5) You’re making the payment through one of our supported payment gateways. The offer will not be displayed if you make payments through a payment gateway not supported by our plugin.
6) Make sure you have selected any one of the following templates or made your own custom template and inserted a page link. -
Welke typen producten ondersteunt upsell plugin?
Customers can buy one-click WooCommerce products of the following types:
Free Version: Only Simple Products.
Premium version: Simple, Variable, Bundled, and Subscription products. -
Wat zijn de betaalmethoden die de upsell plugin ondersteunt?
Free Version: Supports only Cash on Delivery.
Premium version: Supports Stripe, Paypal Payments,, Braintree, Square, Paystack, Vipps, Cardcom, and core payment options such as Cash On Delivery, Direct Bank Transfer, and Cheque Payments. -
What are the payment methods that the WordPress upsell plugin supports?
Free Version: Supports only Cash on Delivery.
Premium Version: Supports Stripe, Paypal Payments,, Braintree, Square, Paystack, Vipps, Cardcom, Mollie, and core payment options such as Cash On Delivery, Direct Bank Transfer, and Cheque Payments. -
Is mijn betaal gateway compatibel met de upsell plugin?
You can see the list of supported payment gateways on our product page. But if your required gateway is not there, You can contact our support team for this.
We zullen de mogelijkheden bekijken en je gateway op je aanvraag compatibel maken met onze plugin. Er is altijd een manier voor iedereen.
How to make a custom offer page for an upsell of my own?
If you want to make a custom offer page for upsell of your own without our pre-defined templates you can do it with the link we have given in the ‘Offer Template’ section. Click on ‘ Click here to Create Custom Template’ and make a new offer as per your website needs. After making that page insert a link in the below box and save.
Note: Make sure you are using page builders which are supported by the WordPress upsell plugin.
Hoe kan ik aangepaste pagina shortcodes gebruiken voor KOOP NU en GEEN BEDANKT?
For the “Buy Now” shortcode: You need to copy this Buy Now
[wps_upsell_yes] and place it at a suitable place on your page.Beschrijving: deze shortcode retourneert alleen de link, dus deze moet worden gebruikt in de link sectie. Gebruik het in HTML als href=”[wps_upsell_yes]” van een anker tag.
For the “No thanks” shortcode: You need to copy this No Thanks
[wps_upsell_no] and place it at a suitable place on your page.Beschrijving: deze shortcode retourneert alleen de link, dus deze moet in de linksectie worden gebruikt. Gebruik het in HTML als href = ”[wps_upsell_no]” van een ankertag.
Kan ik een pagina met upsell-aanbiedingen ontwerpen als ik geen ontwerper heb?
Yes, you can. WordPress upsell plugin is compatible with some page builders and we have also provided shortcodes for designing your Offer page. You can design yourself and don’t need any designer for that. Simply drag and drop and your page is ready.
Kan ik een upsell-aanbieding laten zien volgens het gedrag van de koper?
Ja. Afhankelijk van het soort product dat een klant heeft gekocht, kun je hem een relevant upsell product aanbieden.
Kan ik mijn klanten na het afrekenen een upgrade aanbieden?
Ja. Stel gewoon het doel- en aanbiedingsproduct in en schakel de Slimme aanbieding upgrade functie in bij de instellingen van de funnel bouwer. Zodra de klant het aanbod accepteert, wordt het doelproduct vervangen door het aanbiedingsproduct.
Wat is het verschil tussen exclusieve aanbieding en Smart Skip als deze al is gekocht?
Exclusieve aanbieding is een funnel functie, deze functie zorgt ervoor dat de funnel aanbieding slechts één keer aan de klanten wordt getoond, of ze deze nu accepteren of afwijzen.
Slim overslaan indien al gekocht is een globale functie. Met deze functie wordt de aanbieding alleen aan de klanten getoond als ze het aanbiedingsproduct niet al normaal of via upsell hebben gekocht.
Ik wil dat mijn Upsell-aanbieding altijd wordt geactiveerd, ongeacht het beoogde product dat mensen kiezen.
Ja, onze upsell WooCommerce plugin heeft een functie om dit te doen. Je hoeft alleen de globale funnel functie in te schakelen en de funnel aanbiedingen worden altijd geactiveerd.
. -
Kan ik de prestaties van mijn Upsell-funnels volgen?
Ja, we hebben Upsel verkopen per funnel statistieken die individuele funnel prestatiestatistieken laten zien, zoals het aantal triggers, het aantal successen, bekeken aanbiedingen, geaccepteerde aanbiedingen, afgewezen aanbiedingen, lopende aanbiedingen, conversieratio en totale verkoop. Met behulp van deze statistieken kun je gemakkelijk achterhalen hoe je Upsell funnels presteren en dienovereenkomstig wijzigingen aanbrengen.
Kan ik meerdere upsell aanbiedingen in één funnel aanbieden?
Yes. The WordPress Sales Funnel plugin lets you add multiple upsell products in a single funnel builder. So, you can offer more than one product after checkout by adding new offers to the funnel. Or you can use a feature named Additional Offers in the pro version.
Welke paginabouwers ondersteunt deze plugin?
Most of the major WordPress page builders like Elementor, WPBakery, Divibuilders, Thrive Architect, and other WordPress page builders are supported for creating attractive upsell offers.
My Question is Not Listed.
Please visit WooCommerce Upsell Knowledge Base
Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars
“One Click Upsell Funnel for WooCommerce – Post-Purchase Upsell & Cross-Sell Offers, Boost Sales & Increase Profits” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.
Bijdragers“One Click Upsell Funnel for WooCommerce – Post-Purchase Upsell & Cross-Sell Offers, Boost Sales & Increase Profits” is vertaald in 26 talen. Dank voor de vertalers voor hun bijdragen.
Interesse in ontwikkeling?
Bekijk de code, haal de SVN repository op, of abonneer je op het ontwikkellog via RSS.
3.4.7 – Released on 16 Aug 2024
- New: Latest WP (6.6.1) and WC (9.1.4)
- Fixes: Bug fixed for Upsell Templates
3.4.6 – Released on 29 July 2024
- New: Latest WP (6.6.1) and WC (9.1.4)
- Fixes: Issue with shortcode redirection.
3.4.5 – Released on 15 May 2024
- New: Latest WP (6.5.3) and WC (8.9.0)
3.4.4 – Released on 21 March 2024
- New: Latest WP (6.4.3) and WC (8.7.0)
- New: Order bump option added in Org plugin
3.4.3 – Released on 29 January 2024
- New: Latest WP(6.4.2) and WC(8.5.2)
- Fix: Stock update issue fixed
3.4.2 – Released on 21 December 2023
- New: Banner section added in org
- New: Compatibility with WP(6.4.2) and WC(8.4.0)
3.4.1 – Released on 29 November 2023
- New: Cart and Checkout Block compatibility
- New: Compatibility with WP(6.4.1) and WC(8.3.1)
3.4.0 – Released on 31 October 2023
- New: HPOS compatibility
- New: Latest WP [6.3.2] and WC [8.2.1] update
3.3.1 – Released on 13 October 2023
- New: Exit Intent Popup
- New: Latest WP [6.3.2] and WC [8.2.0] update
3.3.0 – Released on 25 August 2023
- New: Compatibility with Divi Theme
- New: Added three templates for Divi Theme
- New: Compatibility with WP[6.3.0] and WC[8.0.2]
- Fix: Issue fix in case of variation upsell product
3.2.9 – Released on 8 August 2023
- New: Compatible with WP(6.3) and WC(8.0.0)
3.2.8 – Released on 8 June 2023
- New: Compatibility with Currency Switcher
- New: Compatible with the latest WP(6.2.2) and WC(7.7.2)
3.2.7 – Released on 28 April 2023
- New: Compatible with the latest WP(6.2) and WC(7.6.1)
3.2.6 – Released on 16 March 2023
- New: Compatible with the latest WP(6.1.1) and WC(7.5.0)
3.2.5 – Released on 02 February 2023
- Feature: Add the shipping price on COD
- New: Compatible with the latest WP and WC
3.2.4 – Released on 20 December 2022
- Enhancement: Show pro features in the free version with an upgraded label [Appearance section].
- New: Compatible with the latest WP and WC
3.2.3 – Released on 10 November 2022
- New: Compatible with the latest WP and WC
3.2.2 – Released on 23 August 2022
- New: Minor bug fixes
- New: Compatible with the latest WP and WC
3.2.1 – Released on 30 May 2022
- New: Minor bug fixes
3.2.0 – Released on 31 March 2022
- New: Some substantial changes across different areas of the plugin.
- New: Minor Bug Fixes
- New: Inbuilt Migrator for existing users to import all plugin data at once.
- New: Compatible with the latest WP and WC
3.1.3 – Released on 03 Feb 2022
- New: Change author from MakeWebBetter to WP Swings
- New: Notice display of current version for WP Swings
- New: Minor Bug fixes
- New: Compatible with the latest WP and WC
3.1.2 – Released on 16 Dec 2021
- Bug Fixes
- New: Elementor Widgets with shortcodes
- Compatibility with WooCommerce (6.0.0)
3.1.1 – Released on 22 Nov 2021
- Bug Fixes
- Compatibility with MWB Currency switcher.
- Compatibility with MWB Currency Switcher Pro.
- Compatibility with Invoice System for WooCommerce.
3.1.0 – Released on 2 Nov 2021
- Dependency with Free Plugin
- Bug fixes
- Guest Nonce Error Fix
- Compatibility with New PayPal payments
- WooCommerce One Click Upsell Funnel Pro Compatible with WooCommerce Subscriptions Free/Pro
3.0.4 -Released on 31 Aug 2021
- Verbeterd: Compatibiliteit met nieuwste WP(5.8) en WC(5.6.0)
- Overig: problemen en bugs opgelost.
3.0.3 – Released on 6 April 2021
- Verbeterd: compatibiliteit met de nieuwste WP(5.7) en WC(5.1.0)
- Overig: problemen en bugs opgelost.
3.0.2 – Released on 19 December 2020
- Verbeterd: compatibiliteit met de nieuwste WP (5.6) en WC (4.8.0)
- Verbeterd: betere beveiliging.
- Overig: problemen en bugs opgelost.
- Nieuw: funnel functies: wereldwijde funnel, exclusieve aanbieding en slimme aanbieding upgrade.
- Nieuw: globale functie – Smart Skip indien al gekocht.
- Nieuw: aanbieding functie – Afbeelding aanbieden.
- Nieuw: shortcodes – Aanbieding hoeveelheid en urgentie timer.
- Nieuw: upsell verkopen – Rapporten en upsell verkopen per funnel – Statistieken.
- Nieuw: compatibiliteit met Google Analytics en Facebook Pixel.
- Verbeterd: waarschuwingsberichten en up-selling actieknoppen lader.
- Overig: problemen en bugs opgelost.
- Oplossing: Upsell Action Links probleem met Elementor opgelost.
- Oplossing: tekst domein gewijzigd volgens WordPress normen.
- Verbeterd: betere beveiliging en prestaties
- Overig: problemen en bugs opgelost.
- Verbeterd: betere beveiliging en prestaties
- Verbeterd: betere funnels lijstpagina
- Overig: problemen en bugs opgelost.
- Nieuw: standaardaanbieding met WordPress nieuwe Live-editor (heractiveer de plugin een keer)
- Nieuw: ingebouwde offertetemplates
- Nieuw: Aanbiedingspagina’s bekijken en aanpassen in Sandbox modus
- Verbeterd: betere en dynamischere shortcodes
- Verbeterd: betere en soepele beheerdersinterface
- Overig: problemen en bugs opgelost.
- bugfix
- Bugfix
- Ondersteuning toegevoegd voor WooCommerce standaard productpagina voor funnel aanbiedingen en een paar nieuwe opties in instellingen.
- Eerste versie