Deze plugin is niet getest met de laatste 3 grotere versies van WordPress. Mogelijk wordt het niet meer onderhouden of ondersteund. Ook kunnen er compatibiliteitsproblemen ontstaan wanneer het wordt gebruikt met recentere versies van WordPress.


Using this plugin you can place posts and pages on a Google map. The Geo-Position will be determined from an address.
The Google map can be embedded to a post or page with one of two shortcodes that accept parameters controlling the display properties of the map and the behaviour of the links.
So, you can show in a very simple way where you gathered some information, took a photograph or where an event will happen.

  • The current version uses an own SQL table to store and retrieve the Geo-Data.
  • The global settings can be modified on an own dashboard page in the WordPress backend.
  • The Plugin ships a backend widget for entering the data on a post or page which can even be edited on the Quick-Edit screen.
  • There are two shortcodes (1) to embed a large map with all posts/pages as markers and (2) a mini-map with the current one as marker.

Planned Features:
– Manage locations as a Custom Post Type to reuse several Geo-Data more than ones in a blog.
– Put posts and pages an predefined routes.
– Further features may be requested on the Plugin page.


  • This is a dashboard-view that show the global settings.
  • An additional panel to edit the Geo-Data can be found on posts and pages editing page.
  • Here you see a small map created with a shortcode. You can override the global settings within the shortcode.
  • This finally is the map using the shortcode for large maps.


The installation follows the common paths:

1a) Automatically Installation in WordPress:
Log in to your wordpress.
Navigate to Plugin > Add new
Search for “vcat-posts-at-google-maps”.
Click “Install now”.
When done, click “activate”.

1b) Manual Installation:
Download the Plugin at and unzip it.
Store the content under /wp-content/plugins/ on your server.
Navigate to “Plugins” in your dashboard and activate it.

2) Usage and Options
Further information how to use the shortcodes and their available options may be found at our website.


Er zijn geen beoordelingen voor deze plugin.

Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars

“VCAT EDULABS Posts at Google Maps” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.




  • Fixing some PHP version incompatibility


  • bug fix: replace short open tags


  • current location can be directly read from the client (browser)
  • location can be changed be drag-and-drop a pin on a mini-map beside the input form
  • language support for English and German reviewed and cleaned
  • minor bug-fixes, e.g. preplacing the deprecated screen_icon method


  • bug fix: deleting location not possible, when special pin-color was chosen


  • micro bug-fix: re-uploaded images


  • coloured pin selection added (default values for posts/pages, overridden by shortcode option, rewritable for singlie posts/pages)
  • bug-fix: multiple mini-maps are working now


  • micro bug-fix


  • some backend css bug-fixes due to WP 3.8


  • new filter options for the big map
  • optional dynamic center and zoom at the big map
  • a separated core part of all VCAT EDULABS plugins
  • some backend css bug-fixes


  • Initial Realse on