Smart Variation Swatches and Attribute Filters for WooCommerce


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Transform the way your customers interact with your products using the Smart WooCommerce Swatches plugin. This powerful tool simplifies product customization by replacing traditional dropdowns with dynamic color, image, and text swatches. It integrates seamlessly with WooCommerce, enhancing your online store’s product attribute selection and boosting the user experience.

Video documentatie:

Hoe kun je Variation Swatches For Custom attribuut maken:

Key Features:
* WooCommerce Variation Swatches: Easily replace standard dropdowns with color, image, or label swatches, allowing for a more visual and intuitive shopping experience.
* Product Attribute Image Swatches: Showcase your product variations in style with image-based swatches, perfect for clothing, accessories, and more.
* Color & Size Options: Display product attributes like color and size with clear, customizable swatches for an effortless shopping experience.
* Attribute Selector & Swatch Plugin: Create new attribute swatches right from the product editing page, giving you full control over how your products are displayed.
* Tooltips & Hover Details: Add fine details to your swatches with tooltips that appear on hover, making it easier for customers to explore your product attributes.
* Clear-Cut Variable Display: Highlight the differences between product variations with distinct and visually appealing swatch options.
* Product Page Enhancements: Transform your product pages with dynamic product variations, allowing customers to select variations directly from the swatches without navigating multiple menus.
* WooCommerce Customization: Fully customizable to fit your unique store design, offering color, shape, and layout adjustments for swatches and tooltips.

PRO Features:
* Archive Page Swatches: Show off your product swatches on catalog, shop, category, and tag pages, enhancing the browsing experience throughout your store.
* Override Settings for Individual Products: Customize swatches for each product with easy-to-use override settings.
* Advanced Swatch Customization: Customize every aspect of your swatches, including background color, borders, shapes (round or squared), and more.
* Product Filter by Swatches: Enable shoppers to filter products by swatch options like price, stock, or image, making product search faster and more accurate.
* Variation Label Display: Enhance product page clarity with clear variation labels displayed alongside swatches.

Thema compatibiliteit

Smart WooCommerce Swatches is compatible with popular WordPress themes like Hello Elementor, OceanWP, Hestia, Joyas Shop, Storefront, XStore, eMart, Shoper, Kadence, Avada, and Divi, among others. However, please note that some templates may require adjustments for seamless integration due to their custom templates for variation selection.

Elevate your eCommerce store with the Smart WooCommerce Swatches plugin — a must-have add-on for store owners seeking to boost product customization, enhance user experience, and create a visually appealing online store. Whether you’re offering color swatches, image swatches, or size options, this Woo extension streamlines your WooCommerce variation swatches and creates a smoother shopping experience for every customer.

Meer verbazingwekkende functies zijn beschikbaar in Pro versie.


  • Variaties op frontend
  • Nieuw attribuut toevoegen
  • Bewerk attribuut
  • Attribuut kleur
  • Variatie opties


Automatische installatie

Installeer Unlimited Background Slider net als elke andere WordPress plugin.
[Plugins installeren] (


Hoe kun je deze variation swatches WooCommerce extensie gebruiken?

Ga naar WooCommerce > Instellingen > Product swatches. En leer meer met [online documentatie en gebruikershandleiding] (

Zal deze plugin met mijn thema werken?

Ja, het werkt met elk thema, maar het kan wat styling vereisen om het mooi te laten passen.


9 juni 2021
Хотел добавить вариации по цветам, но если у всех цветов одинаковая цена, то цена вообще не отображается. А если цена разная, то показывается в 2 местах!
1 mei 2021
I installed this theme which worked initially. The prices on the product page suddenly disappeared one day. I contact support and they fixed it on one product and didn’t explain how they fixed it. A few days later this fix broke again. After this initial contact, they didn’t respond to multiple requests so i deleted the plugin and purchased one from code canyon instead. This theme wasted time and effort delaying a project go live.
5 augustus 2020
Use it all the time. Works with most of other themes. 🙂
Lees alle 13 beoordelingen

Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars

“Smart Variation Swatches and Attribute Filters for WooCommerce” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.


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Interesse in ontwikkeling?

Bekijk de code, haal de SVN repository op, of abonneer je op het ontwikkellog via RSS.



  • Fixed WooCommerce’s High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS).


  • Getest tot: 6.2.2


  • Getest tot 6.1.1


  • Opgelost JS fout ( Line 104: product_attr = jQuery.parseJSON( $(“.variations_form”).attr(“data-product_variations”) ), )


  • Opgelost php fout


  • WooCommerce variatie swatch prijs wijzigen
  • variatie weergave op archiefpagina


  • Toevoegen kleuropties
  • Toon op product archiefpagina
  • widgets toegevoegd om swatches te tonen
  • toon de prijs overal op de webpagina


  • Initiële release.