UiPress lite | Effortless custom dashboards, admin themes and pages


A block based visual builder for the WordPress admin. Create admin pages, dashboards and WordPress admin themes with no code. From custom dashboards, profile pages to entire admin frameworks, the uiBuilder can do it all. Pre-made intuitive blocks and a library of professional templates make it super easy to transform the way your site users interact with your content.

De belangrijkste functies in ui press lite zijn onder andere:

  • Een snelle, moderne en intuïtieve bouwer op basis van blokken
  • Creëer functionele beheerpagina’s en ui templates
  • Fully responsive templates
  • Ontwikkelaarvriendelijk met een uitbreidbare API
  • Aangepaste formulieren die alles kunnen, of het nu gaat om het versturen van e-mails, het doorgeven van formuliergegevens aan functies of het opslaan van de gegevens in site opties of gebruiker meta, UiPress heeft het voor je.
  • Globaal stijlen systeem
  • Smart patterns for saving out templates and updating across all your templates
  • Meer dan 50+ blokken en tellend
  • Custom login pages
  • Google Analytics
  • WooCommerce analytics
  • Gebruikersrol editor
  • Privéberichten en media van gebruikers
  • Integrated php error log

Een krachtige bouwer waarmee je alles kunt aanpassen

Met de uiBuilder heb je alles onder controle, hij is eenvoudig te gebruiken, bliksemsnel en zit boordevol functies. Het is nog nooit zo eenvoudig geweest om aangepaste beheerpagina’s en UI-frameworks te maken die verder gaan dan alleen het visuele.

Formulieren die een stapje verder gaan

Met het formulierblok kun je unieke formulieren maken en aanpassen voor elk doel. Of het nu gaat om het verzenden van e-mails, het doorgeven van formuliergegevens aan functies of het opslaan van de gegevens in site opties of gebruiker meta, met UiPress zit je goed.

Mooie loginpagina’s

Modernise the login experience for your site users with the ui press login page settings. Match the login page to your brand for a smooth user experience.

De uiBuilder is een moderne webapp en is gebouwd met Vue.js

UiPress has countless options and customisations built in including the option to override block templates. For those that want to go further we have a well documented and easy to use API for creating custom blocks, options and more.


  • Alles aanpassen in beheer

  • Een overzicht van de bouwer

  • Een afbeelding die de mobiele voorvertoning in de builder laat zien

  • Een weergave van het plugin gebied met een aangepast ui template actief


Upload de UiPress plugin naar je blog, activeer hem en navigeer dan naar de pagina uiBuilder (beheer menu > instellingen > Uipress).

1, 2, 3: Je bent klaar!


22 januari 2025
I have reached out to the author of this plugin multiple times, with multiple tickets and replies with 0 responses for weeks/months. This behavior has no excuse, and I believe this project is now dead.I will be looking for alternative big corporate plugins which achieve the same results, at least we can get a reply! This issue has been happening consistently for the last year with this plugin, I have had this software for years.Very disappointing Mark.- EDITNo response, but I managed to fix the issue on my own. I am still disappointed with the lack of support but since this plugin is so beautiful and easily my favorite plugin in my setup I have changed my review from 1 star to 5 star. Please don’t give up on this project.
29 november 2023 1 reactie
First of all, I really liked the speed of the plugin. I understand that it is in active development stage and therefore some minor flaws are inevitable. In any case, this is the best thing I have seen on the Internet for more convenient use of the WordPress admin panel. Good luck to you in development and lots of creative ideas.
21 november 2023
I recently reached out to UiPress through their support chat with a question regarding the compatibility of their plugin with multisite installations. I must say that the support experience I had was commendable. The response time from UiPress was impressive, with a notification indicating that they typically reply in under 2 hours. The conversation began with a straightforward question about the plugin’s compatibility, and the support team promptly assured me that UiPress works great with multisite installations. However, when I encountered an issue activating the free plugin, the support agent, Mark, demonstrated patience and expertise in troubleshooting. Mark asked specific and relevant questions to identify the root cause of the problem. The step-by-step guidance provided, including asking for error messages and checking for other plugins, showcased a thorough approach to problem-solving. One notable aspect of the support chat was Mark’s ability to adapt to the user’s technical proficiency. When the user mentioned having root access but no access to the PHP error log, Mark adjusted the troubleshooting process accordingly, demonstrating flexibility and understanding. The support team’s willingness to dive into technical details, such as enabling the WordPress error log and reviewing specific error messages, was impressive. This level of engagement and troubleshooting assistance is invaluable for users facing technical issues. In the end, Mark identified a specific error in the log file and proposed a solution by suggesting an update to the plugin. The support agent’s expertise and commitment to resolving the issue were evident throughout the conversation. While the issue resolution took about an hour, the support team’s dedication and guidance provided a clear path to resolving the problem. The user-friendly approach and technical expertise exhibited by UiPress support, particularly Mark, left a positive impression. In conclusion, based on this support chat experience, UiPress appears to have a knowledgeable and responsive support team that goes the extra mile to assist users with technical challenges. The interaction was professional, and the support team demonstrated a commitment to ensuring a satisfactory resolution for me.
25 juli 2023 1 reactie
This extension is a must have for all professional web developers, it offers unlimited possibilities to customize the UI for your clients! All problems (which are mostly on your side) are solved immediately with great support! Thanks a lot!
Lees alle 16 beoordelingen

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“UiPress lite | Effortless custom dashboards, admin themes and pages” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.


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Interesse in ontwikkeling?

Bekijk de code, haal de SVN repository op, of abonneer je op het ontwikkellog via RSS.



  • Release Date 17 July 2024*

  • Security patch on duplicate template function that could allow sql injection

  • Changed all date functions to gmdate
  • Changed all json_encode functions to wp_json_encode
  • Updated error log parsing to use WP_Filesystem


  • Release Date 19 June 2024*

  • Fixed issue code editor not showing for HTML block / iframe etc

  • Fixed issue code editor not showing for interactions


  • Release Date 19 June 2024*

  • Fixed issue with script loadings that could cause cors issues in frame


  • Release Date 18 June 2024*

  • Fixed issue with elementor not loading when accessed directly

  • Fixed issue with dark mode
  • Fixed issue that could cause a blank screen


  • Release Date 17 June 2024*

  • Fixed issues with some pages not correctly rendering when dynamic loading is disabled

  • Fixed issue with special synbols in site data that could cause uipress to fail to load
  • Fixed issue with toolbar items select in builder
  • Fixed icon issue with border designer
  • Fixed issue with gradient designer


  • Release Date 12 June 2024*

  • Fixed issue with toolbar sub items not displaying

  • Added empty template list placeholder
  • Fixed issue with switch toggles
  • Fixed issue with code editor on template settings not displaying
  • Fixed issue with older non supported blocks displaying as pro options


  • Release Date 11 June 2024*

  • Fixed potential error from undefined index in menu items

  • Removed icon font and replaced with SVGS
  • Refactored, compiled and split all JS into chunks
  • Huge speed improvements accross the whole plugin
  • Stability fixes and other bug fixes


  • Release Date 20 May 2024*

  • Fixed potential fatal with iconv being undefined

  • Fixed issue with failed JSON parses causing app to crash
  • Fixed issue with new tab link clicks in drilldown menu
  • Date dynamic now respects current site language
  • Fixed issue with post type select
  • Fixed issue with menu names in custom menus
  • Updated loading logic and removed opacity transition


  • Release Date 14 February 2024*

  • Fixed issue with disabling uipress on specific pages

  • Fixed issue with ACSS tabs
  • Fixed issue with remote sync
  • Added fix for admin pages as sub menu pages
  • Moved screen, help and other content block settings to global template settings
  • Updated method for iframe detection allowing for 50% faster page load speeds and less conflicts
  • Fixed toolbar items id on frontend
  • Added tab index to button for accessibility
  • Added new interactions API
  • Added enhanced block conditions
  • Fixed choice select update method
  • Added new dedicated licence manager to the site settings


Verschijningsdatum 28 november 2023

  • Probleem met toolbars op subsites opgelost
  • Probleem met cap toepassing bij installatie opgelost
  • Probleem opgelost met paragraaf invoer die invoer niet update bij wijziging van blok
  • Probleem opgelost met het toevoegen van beheerpagina’s als submenu’s van andere beheerpagina’s
  • Stijlcorrecties toegevoegd voor: Wicked mappen, Groundhogg, Gutenburg donkere modus panelen, Tabel tekstkleuren
  • Invoervalidatie op alinea-invoer hersteld
  • Bug in mediabibliotheek leeg scherm verholpen

Kijk voor oudere veranderingen op https://uipress.co/uipresschangelog/

To see uncompiled code see: https://github.com/wpuipress/uipress-lite