Udimi Tools


After the installation, you’ll be able to use Udimi funnels functions on your site. It will also open access to Lead box functionality from Udimi on your blog.


  • Lead tracking on Udimi
  • Lead tracking example
  • Lead box functionality on Udimi
  • Lead box types and setup


  1. Activeer de plugin.
  2. Click on the “Udimi Tools” link on the left-side menu. It will ask you for an API key.
  3. Log into your Udimi account.
  4. Go to Settings > General and copy the key.
  5. Paste it on the plugin’s page.
  6. Klik op de knop “Opslaan en verbinden”.

Je bent er helemaal klaar voor!


Do I need a Udimi account for this plugin to work?

Yes, you need an account.

How to change lead box settings?

To change settings, please log in to your Udimi account and do it from there. All settings and customizations are available there.

Do I have to be a paid member of Udimi to use the plugin?

The plugin is free but has some volume-based limits. To remove all limits, just subscribe to a Udimi Prime account.


21 juni 2024
Easy installation, instant activation
Lees 1 beoordeling

Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars

“Udimi Tools” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.


“Udimi Tools” is vertaald in 1 taal. Dank voor de vertalers voor hun bijdragen.

Vertaal “Udimi Tools” naar jouw taal.

Interesse in ontwikkeling?

Bekijk de code, haal de SVN repository op, of abonneer je op het ontwikkellog via RSS.



  • Initial release


  • Added Lead box functions and improved plugin setup and activation


  • Added Lead box functions to Udimi tools and improved the plugin setup procedure


  • Fixed minor bugs affecting the plugin’s stability.
  • Updated compatibility to ensure smooth operation with the latest WordPress release.
  • Improved internal code structure for better performance.


  • Fixed minor bugs to enhance stability and performance.