Plugin tag: user management
New User Approve
(121 aantal beoordelingen)New User Approve geeft een site beheerder de mogelijkheid om gebruikers te accorderen alvorens ze kunnen inloggen op de site.
Delete Me
(23 aantal beoordelingen)Allow users with specific WordPress roles to delete themselves from the Your Profile page or anywhere Shortcodes can be used.
WP Approve User
(40 aantal beoordelingen)Voegt actielinks toe aan de gebruikerstabel om registraties van gebruikers toe te staan of te weigeren.
Resend Welcome Email
(9 aantal beoordelingen)Quickly send a new welcome email and password reset link for a user through the user's profile edit area.
Inactive User Deleter
(20 aantal beoordelingen)If you wanna clean up a lot of fake or inactive user's registrations (usually made by spammers) by one operation – this tool will help you to do …
Extended CRM for Users Insights
(2 aantal beoordelingen)Extends the CRM functionality of Users Insights – adds new management options to the user groups, user notes and custom user fields features
User Registration Aide
(20 aantal beoordelingen)Adds custom user fields to better manage users & members & customize login-registration page css & messages. Lets you customize the entire …
User Management
(0 aantal beoordelingen)User Import Export plugin allows you to export and import WordPress Users and Roles.
User and Login Management
(0 aantal beoordelingen)This plugin provides bulk user import/export, users session & login activity management, page privacy & security, and user redirection in one place
Robust User Search
(1 aantal beoordelingen)A comprehensive, user-friendly, live user search & edit plugin for your site.
Campaign Monitor Synchronization
(3 aantal beoordelingen)Use the user list in your Wordpress installation as your mailing list for Campaign Monitor.
Campaign Monitor Dual Registration
(3 aantal beoordelingen)Automatically add new Wordpress users to your mailing list on Campaign Monitor.
th23 User Management
(4 aantal beoordelingen)Styled user management for login, register, user profile… – optional: user chosen passwords, e-mail validation, admin approval, reCaptcha and more
Network Restricted Members
(1 aantal beoordelingen)Restrict user access to selected sites on open multisite networks.
Woo Delivery Rider Management
(0 aantal beoordelingen)This plugin manages riders for woocommerce orders
Activate Users In Buddypress
(2 aantal beoordelingen)This plug-in is intended to assist developers in making sure all previous wordpress users have been correctly pulled into Buddypress.
WP vBulletin SSO
(0 aantal beoordelingen)Looking for SSO tool for your WordPress and vBulletin sites?
(1 aantal beoordelingen)Waitlists for WordPress lets you create and manage user lists of almost any type in any post.