Plugin tag: Optimize
(3 aantal beoordelingen)WP-Database-Optimizer helps you to optimize your database by performing some actions for example optimizing tables, deleting revisions and data that c …
Speed Up – Page Cache
(7 aantal beoordelingen)A very simple plugin to make your site run lightning fast with page caching.
Basticom Framework
(0 aantal beoordelingen)The Basticom framework plugin allows you to modify certain core functions of Wordpress as well as fine-tune some additional settings.
WordPress Image Compression and Optimizer Plugin – CheetahO
(15 aantal beoordelingen)This plugin allows you to compress and optimize your WordPress images through the CheetahO API. Your website will be faster, keeping the images high q …
Optimize Scripts & Styles
(2 aantal beoordelingen)Optimize Scripts & Styles combines scripts and styles on your site, minifies them and provides cachable versions for improved site performance.
Image Compressor & Optimizer – iLoveIMG
(5 aantal beoordelingen)Optimize your website images and improve your page load speed. Reduce the size of your photos and gain maximum compression while keeping sharp images.
WP Optimize Speed By xTraffic
(10 aantal beoordelingen)Plugin "WP Optimize Speed By xTraffic" speed up WordPress site and increase website's Google PageSpeed Insights point.
Speedup Optimization
(0 aantal beoordelingen)Increasing website performance and reducing load time. At least 10x improvement in overall site performance.
WP Sanitize : Auto WordPress Optimizer Plugin
(0 aantal beoordelingen)Keep your WordPress Optimized and Secure 24×7
Optimize More! – CSS
(1 aantal beoordelingen)Optimize CSS Delivery: Load CSS Asynchronously, Delay CSS until User Interaction, Preload Critical CSS, and Remove Unused CSS Files.
EchBay – JPEG, PNG image compression
(0 aantal beoordelingen)Speed up your website. Optimize your JPEG, PNG images with EchBay ( Nhiệm vụ: Dọn dẹp và tối ưu lại hình ảnh hiện có trong thư mục uploads )
JPEG PNG Compressor
(1 aantal beoordelingen)Speed up your website. Compress your JPEG and PNG images automatically with PNG Compressor.
(0 aantal beoordelingen)This plugin is just a simple tool that may be useful to keep your wordpress databases optimized. You can also try to repair tables.
Flash Cache
(3 aantal beoordelingen)Flash Cache is a plugin to improve the performance of Wordpress Websites by making html versions of each post, pages or sections of your website.
(0 aantal beoordelingen)A WordPress plugin that uses jpegoptim and optipng to compress images during upload, allowing you to override the compression level and quality on a p …
- Image Optimizer – Image Compression and Optimization
(1 aantal beoordelingen)Speed up your site’s load time with easy to use automated image compression. Smaller image sizes = quicker page load times.
(0 aantal beoordelingen)Provides sensible replacements of default nonce generation functions to more accurately reflect their expected behaviour.
Performance Profiler
(0 aantal beoordelingen)Performance Profiler plugin silently monitors the resources consumption of your WordPress installation.