Plugin tag: Contributor
Manage/View Your Posts Only
(4 aantal beoordelingen)Allows contributors of a blog to only view and manage their posts without seeing other contributors’ posts
Enable Contributor Uploads
(4 aantal beoordelingen)Easy plugin which adds the capability for contributors to upload images to their blog posts.
Molongui Post Contributors: Multi-Role Contributor Attribution
(2 aantal beoordelingen)Easily add reviewers, fact-checkers, illustrators, and any other attribution to your WordPress posts and display them towards the post author.
Multiple Editors
(0 aantal beoordelingen)Allow multiple editors and contributors per post or page. Also enable contributors and authors to upload files and add new pages by default.
WP Compteur
(0 aantal beoordelingen)Compte le nombre d'articles refusés pour chaque contributeur et passe les contributeurs trop souvent refusés en abonnés.
Contributors' Posts
(0 aantal beoordelingen)Contributors' Posts is a plugin to manage posts of contributors with the same account without having to create other users. For online Press.
WP Post Contributor
(1 aantal beoordelingen)WP Post Contributors plugin allows you to add more than one author to the post who have contributed.
True Contributor Uploads Display Administrator
(1 aantal beoordelingen)This Plugin is only the administrator to be able to see the images uploaded by others.
(0 aantal beoordelingen)Contributor Plugin display just more than one author-name on a post.