Plugin tag: banner
Image Widget
(288 aantal beoordelingen)A simple image widget that uses the native WordPress media manager to add image widgets to your site.
Simple Banner – Easily add multiple Banners/Bars/Notifications/Announcements to the top or bottom of your website
(43 aantal beoordelingen)Display a simple banner/bar at the top or bottom of your website. Now with multi-banner support.
Ads by WPQuads – Adsense Ads, Banner Ads, Popup Ads
(1.082 aantal beoordelingen)Ads & AdSense Plugin with features like, DFP, Ads.txt, Web Stories Ads, Click Fraud, Revenue Sharing, Ad Blocker & High Performance.
Blog Floating Button
(1 aantal beoordelingen)Blog Floating Button(BFB)は、ブログにフロートボタンを簡単に実装できるプラグインです。フロートボタンでキラーページに簡単に誘導することができるため、商品購入数や問い合わせ数の向上が期待できます。
Announcer – Sticky Message Banner, Notification Bar – Add to Top, Bottom of your Website
(38 aantal beoordelingen)Add notification bar to your site and display any message like welcome message, promotions, coupons, news banner to the top/bottom of the page.
affilinet Performance Ads
(8 aantal beoordelingen)Integrate our data driven and automated performance display plugin into your WordPress platform and serve your users targeted ads in real time.
WP Custom Author URL
(8 aantal beoordelingen)Set a custom URL for your author name link, on a global or author-specific basis. Also redirects all author pages.
WOW Slider
(96 aantal beoordelingen)WOW Slider is a Wordpress slider with stunning visual effects and tons of professionally made templates.
Smart Cookie Kit
(40 aantal beoordelingen)Preventive blocking of third party cookies for GDPR/EU Cookie Law/ePrivacy. Translatable, cacheable, lightweight, powerful!
Sitewide Notice WP
(16 aantal beoordelingen)Simply add a small message bar to the bottom of each page of your website to display notice messages such as sales, notices and any text messages.
Home Page Banner for Astra Theme
(3 aantal beoordelingen)An easy-to-use plugin for the Astra theme that lets you create a beautiful banner on your homepage.
Advanced Ads for WPBakery Page Builder
(1 aantal beoordelingen)Manage ads in your WPBakery Page Builder interface.
Display Featured Image for Genesis
(33 aantal beoordelingen)This plugin works within the Genesis Framework, to display featured images in beautiful and dynamic ways.
Random Banner
(53 aantal beoordelingen)Random Banner WordPress plugin provides users with high level of flexibility to show image banners, SWF banners and script ads randomly
GDPR Cookie Consent Notice Box
(8 aantal beoordelingen)Cookie Consent Box is a lightweight and good looking way to inform users your site uses cookies and to comply with EU cookie law regulations.
WooCommerce Category Banner
(14 aantal beoordelingen)Place a custom banner and link at the top of your product category pages. Easily update the image through your product category edit page.
Simple Website Banner
(8 aantal beoordelingen)This is a very simple plugin with a sole purpose of allowing you to inform your visitors of an upcoming event, updated store hours, or other important …
Smart App Banner
(3 aantal beoordelingen)This is a WordPress plugin that allows you to use Smart App Banners, introduced in iOS 6, with your WordPress blog.
Banner Upload
(2 aantal beoordelingen)Gemakkelijke manier om de verschillende grootte van banneradvertenties weer te geven in WordPress met widgets
Sticky banner
(1 aantal beoordelingen)Display a sticky banner/bar at the top or bottom of your website.