Deze plugin is gesloten sinds 18 januari 2021 en is niet beschikbaar om te downloaden. Deze sluiting is permanent. Reden: Auteurverzoek.
25 mei 2020
I bought the premium version.
But the tested pages are deleted when the test is stopped; and test results are also not saved.
This plugin does not suit me, I asked for the refund of my purchase via Premium support … I never had an answer.
No trust at all !
10 januari 2020
This works well and it is one of the best cost effective options out there but it will not work on amp pages.
19 juli 2019
This plugin avoids the trap that 99% of others fall into of trying to be all things to all men. Perfect for my needs.
13 maart 2019
I like this plugin a lot. It’s very easy to use and works really well.
15 maart 2018
This plugin does work, although you need to pause your test before editing pages with a page builder, like Beaver Builder or Elementr.
The plugin also makes my site very slow. I am currently investigating a way to improve the load time.
2 oktober 2017
1 reactie
Great plugin, makes split testing easy.
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