Deze plugin is niet getest met de laatste 3 grotere versies van WordPress. Mogelijk wordt het niet meer onderhouden of ondersteund. Ook kunnen er compatibiliteitsproblemen ontstaan wanneer het wordt gebruikt met recentere versies van WordPress.

Max Stats Table for WP Pro Quiz


Max Stats Table for WP Pro Quiz is a simple plugin that will display statistics tables for each quiz on a site. The statistics displayed are nearly identical to those generated by WP Pro Quiz when viewed in the WordPress Administration Console.

Obviously, the WP Pro Quiz plugin must be installed and activated or Max Stats Table will not work.

A short-code called [wppq-max-stats] is provided so that the user can display the statistics tables on a page on the website. The page can be password protected or set to “private” with no negative effects on the plugin. From this page, a user can view all the statistics for all tests set up in WP Pro Quiz. Also available is a “one-click delete” button that will delete all statistics from the WP Pro Quiz stats tables thereby “resetting” the quizzes to zero. Only site administrators have access to the delete button.

Future development on this plugin may introduce features such as displaying the same set of tables in the WordPress Admin Console so that no public-side page is needed and / or capturing MySQL errors (if any) and displaying them to the user.


  • Statistics tables and “clear statistics” button.
  • Confirmation dialog for clearing statistics.


1.) Install and activate plugin through WordPress administration console just as you would any other plugin.
2.) Insert the short-code [wppq-max-stats] into any page where you would like the statistics tables to be generated.
3.) Navigate to that page and view the tables.


Q: What statistics are shown in the stats table?
A: Each quiz gets its own stats table. For each stats table, all WordPress users as well as one “anonymous” user are listed with Total Points, Correct Answers, Incorrect Answers, and Percentage Correct values displayed for each.

Q: Are any of the usernames linked to the question lists like in the WP Pro Quiz statistics tables?
A: Nope.

Q: Can the user clear the statistics from this plugin like you can when viewing the tables in WP Pro Quiz?
A: Yes. There is a button at the top of the Max Stats page that will truncate the statistics tables. This will reset / clear all statistics for all quizzes. Only site Admins have access to this feature.

Q: What options are available in this plugin? Can I change any settings?
A: Not currently. If there’s some setting that you feel you need to change then make a comment in the “support” section and we can talk about it.

Q: What happens if I don’t have the WP Pro Quiz Plugin installed?
A: Max Stats Table will not work. It will install correctly and it will behave itself but if you try to use the short-code you will see an error message notifying you of the missing WP Pro Quiz plugin.

Q: Does this plugin work with any other quiz or test plugins?
A: Not that I’m aware. I suppose that some ridiculously small possibility exists that another quiz plugin might have the same database table structure as WP Pro Quiz and therefore some kind of data may be generated…but I highly doubt it.

Q: Are you going to make this plugin work with other quiz / test plugins?
A: Nope.

Q: Why did you code a plugin for a 5-year-old test engine whose author has not responded to emails or support requests for the last 3 years?
A: Necessity.


Er zijn geen beoordelingen voor deze plugin.

Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars

“Max Stats Table for WP Pro Quiz” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.



–Realized that the “Delete All Statistics” button was appearing even when WP Pro Quiz was not installed. Changed that.

–Squashed a bug or two.
–Verified that the plugin is compatible with WordPress 5.2.

–Changed up the delimited anonymous test results table a little bit to provide better formatting and one-click select and copy.
–Verified that the plugin is compatible with WordPress 5.1.
–Added new screenshots.

–I dunt spel so gud….fixed it.

–Added delimited anonymous test results in a cut & paste format at bottom of main Max Stats page

–Verified plugin compatible with WordPress 5.0
–Added feature which logs and reports the date and time the statistics tables were last cleared

–Added \”one-click delete\” button to clear statistics tables (available to site admins only)
–In some cases, the statistics display shows Total Number of Tests Completed instead of Total Points

–Initial Release