Deze plugin is gesloten sinds 9 juli 2024 en is niet beschikbaar om te downloaden. Reden: Overtreding richtlijnen.
3 november 2021
Instant Pay, on the enterprise plan only cost me $1 a transaction regardless of price. Now we hate getting paid by credit card.
30 oktober 2021
Started using the Instant Pay Wordpress integration – stoked. Onboarding with them was quick and then the WP integration made use a breeze. We’re saving a bunch on credit card fees.
27 oktober 2021
We couldn’t accept credit cards online, so this solution was perfect for us. 5 stars for building a solution for us!
23 oktober 2021
Urge everyone to connect to WordPress.its reliable.
Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars
“Instant Pay for Woocommerce” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.
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Interesse in ontwikkeling?
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