Deze plugin is niet getest met de laatste 3 grotere versies van WordPress. Mogelijk wordt het niet meer onderhouden of ondersteund. Ook kunnen er compatibiliteitsproblemen ontstaan wanneer het wordt gebruikt met recentere versies van WordPress.

Export Categories


export you wordpress categories only to another wordpress site.WordPress export not provide export only category this plugin provide only categories without any post data or pages.


  1. Export you blog categories only.
  2. Easy and fast without any post or page data.

More Detail :


  • screenshot-1.png : screen shot admin Tools section.


  1. Upload the export-categories folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activeer de plugin via het ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go Tools => Export Categories




11 augustus 2023
Plugin is good. Does what it says. Just make sure you open it with Excel or a similar tool. Everything is in the right table. Very helpful.
3 november 2020
Works great with 5.5.3 The WP export does not exports categories with 0 posts, this plugin does just that.
2 januari 2020
Just used this with WordPress 5.3.2 to export categories and import to new site , worked very well, and saved loads of time. Big Thank You to the author, very nice plugin, well done !!
25 april 2019
I am moving my website to a new host and do not want to use a migration tool (for whole site) due to suspected severe corruption of data. This plugin saved me a lot of time. Thanks and hat tip to developer.
13 oktober 2017
Great effective little plugin. It’s really simple to use and I wonder why this isn’t a default option in WP export. Really appreciate that the XML follows WP’s xml structure and naming convention. Also, it’s actually in English although the plugin page says otherwise. Made my day easier and I appreciate it! Cheers
Lees alle 12 beoordelingen

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