Deze plugin is gesloten sinds 26 december 2024 en is niet beschikbaar om te downloaden. Deze sluiting is tijdelijk, hangende een lopende beoordeling.
27 november 2024
A clickbait. You need to buy a license to activate it. Even though it is FREE in wordpress. Put it out of Wordpress Repository and sell it as your separate product mate. Wasted my time!
1 september 2022
Simple, very quick setup (although need to register for a key, for free).
Anyway, it gives a very good coverage.
31 januari 2022
תוסף מצויין עם ממשק משתמש נוח מאוד. סוגר את הפינה של הוספת נגישות לאתר.
6 oktober 2021
The plugin is apparently not maintained and not supported by the latest version of WP. No option to modify settings. The whole admin webpage is not operational – menu items are not clickable. Same with part of the settings. No options to modify the color and the size of the icon or remove some of the options from the accessibility menu. The parameters are there, but they are not clickable. Tested with 4 browsers. Asked for support several times, but the only answer is – no support. True disappointment.
7 september 2018
Nice plugin Easy to setting an install
22 augustus 2017
It doesn’t save state when the user exits the site.
Reading Mode is quite buggy for pages that aren’t mainly plain text (post listings, etc.). Then again, I guess it’s meant for content that is read like posts
Thank you
for your work.
Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars
“Enable Accessibility” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.
Bijdragers“Enable Accessibility” is vertaald in 3 talen. Dank voor de vertalers voor hun bijdragen.
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