

Deze plugin is gesloten sinds 10 maart 2020 en is niet beschikbaar om te downloaden. Reden: Overtreding richtlijnen.


30 maart 2019
I’m running a fresh install of WordPress 5.1.1 with no other plugins installed (currently) and it’s working perfectly. It was easy to set up and easy to customise with a bit of extra CSS. Just what the doctor ordered.
18 mei 2018 2 reacties
This plugin was excellent, but then it stopped working, and there has been no follow-up from the developer in months to the many folks who have reported issues. It is disappointing, and means that I will need to seek out a new plugin for a client and do the setup work of the galleries in WP all over again.
15 februari 2018
On install I got a _ton_ of errors at the top of my Dashboard. Something about xyz number of unexpected characters output. PHP Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; afgFlickr has a deprecated constructor in \wp-content\plugins\awesome-flickr-gallery-plugin\afgFlickr\afgFlickr.php on line 22 PHP Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; afgFlickr_pager has a deprecated constructor in \wp-content\plugins\awesome-flickr-gallery-plugin\afgFlickr\afgFlickr.php on line 1691 PHP Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; afgFlickr has a deprecated constructor in \wp-content\plugins\awesome-flickr-gallery-plugin\afgFlickr\afgFlickr.php on line 22 I tried to uninstall the plugin after seeing this and received the following errors: PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at \wp-content\plugins\awesome-flickr-gallery-plugin\afgFlickr\afgFlickr.php:1691) in \wp-admin\includes\misc.php on line 1114 PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at \wp-content\plugins\awesome-flickr-gallery-plugin\afgFlickr\afgFlickr.php:1691) in \wp-includes\pluggable.php on line 1216 I had to go in and manually remove the plugin from the filesystem. I’m running the latest version of WordPress and this was the first plugin on the site I installed so interfering plugin couldn’t be an issue.
12 februari 2018
Extremely easy to setup and looks beautiful out of the box but you can do more than that with simple css. Love the plugin, thank you plugin author !
17 oktober 2017 1 reactie
Plugin doesn’t work; shows notice type of error: and images from Flickr don’t appear at the page: though in the code I see starting of it
9 juni 2017
Thanks for this plugin! Except little things great!
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